Posted by Karen "Kay" Ross

Have you ever fallen in creative love? Perhaps you idly chat about your favorite director (like this fun getting-to-know-you post), only to discover that you both love their most obscure film the most. Over your first coffee date, you playfully square off about who has the worst set stories, but you share a laugh over the resiliency it takes to keep going. Now you're about to start a project and your new creative ally is firmly entrenched in your corner. 'How in the world did I get so fortunate?', you wonder. If luck favors the prepared, then let's help you make strides towards attracting your own good luck charm! Or better yet, an ally in the industry.

After the success of my recent blog post, “How to Make Friends in the Film Industry: The New Approach to Networking”, it occurred to me that a follow-up assignment might be appreciated. Networking (or, in other words, “making friends”) is planting the seed of enthusiasm for a potential collaboration. Engaging your network in your goal-setting is the fertilizer to feed your bond. It’s messy work, inviting new people to participate as you strive towards a goal. You may not look as good as you once did, but it’s also the only way to earn your way up to being a collaborator.

Before you count your creative tribe members, let’s explore how to nurture the good faith you may have earned from your networking opportunities. Today's blog discusses ways you can set goals that attract collaborators - with plenty of links from the lounges to inform your own goals for the new year!


How to Attract Allies in the Film Industry The New Approach to GoalSetting


Reflect on Your Process & Make Room for Improvement

Not everyone has the opportunity to bond during the production process. You can still share a mutual "development" trench, however, by sharing your writing or producing struggles and opening yourself up to support from your community. This post in the Authoring & Playwriting Lounge shares the struggles of an author balancing a day job and her writing schedule.

Sharing what you’ve learned is another important step in both affirming what you know and admitting where you need to grow. Even if you're not on the same project, creative allies can relate to their similar approach. Of course, this can sound like commiserating, but that can be bonding, too. At its core, these are the interactivities of a community. For the few who stand out, be sure to reach out and follow up!


Declare Your Intentions & Follow Up

No one calls their shots like Babe Ruth, but it can be incredibly powerful to declare your intentions. What better way to invite community members to step up and become more to you? Another fantastic post in the Authoring & Playwriting Lounge allows others to declare their 2022 writing goals, which encourages others and also gives you an opportunity to sift for projects and collaborators.


How to Attract Allies in the Film Industry The New Approach to GoalSetting


Be Sure Your Goals are Within your Control

Inviting allies to participate in your process starts with being realistic about your goals. This post in the Acting Lounge beautifully breaks down how to specify goals within your reach, not the results of your efforts. Selling your script may not be an applicable goal, but submitting it to ten contests is. Without tangible goals, you may inadvertently put all the pressure on your new ally to do all the work for you without showing them your efforts.


Be Sure Your Goals Increase Your Likelihood of Success

Inviting your allies to get involved should be mutually beneficial. If it feels like charity, then how can it lead to a collaborationBranding is a fantastic way to increase your impact because collaborators know how to relate to you better. Sharing blogs, podcasts, or other press - and asking your allies to comment and share - is a great way to engage them while increasing your exposure.

Not feeling mutual? Consider thanking them by returning the favor! This fantastic post in the Financing Lounge shares their "four elements for film finance" based on their experience. What could you offer in thanks for this generous information?


Be Sure You are Building on What You Have Already Started

Sometimes, in an effort to make our request for action sound simple, we instead take out the personal details. This is not the same as making a generic ask, for example, "can you help me?". No, omitting our backstory from the engagement strips the passion and drive from your interaction. There is little more exciting in this industry than being a part of a compelling story, especially one behind the scenes, like this one in the Acting Lounge.

If it's not personal, then it must be practical. What do you already have that you can build on, and your allies can help you build? This can mean NOT starting anew at the New Year, too. Share your victories to allow your new friends to help you continue to improve!


How to Attract Allies in the Film Industry The New Approach to GoalSetting


Give Your Allies a Clear Way to Assist You

We have all received assistance at some point in our careers, but to continue to receive it, you must learn to ask for help. Need help from an experienced cinematographer? Post in the Cinematography Lounge! If you declare you are looking for seed money, what information are you providing to make their involvement easier? 

Even just articulating your goals for the new year can attract involvement from those who feel they have something to contribute. How you communicate can be just as important as what you are saying.


Celebrate Your Victories and Give Credit to Your Active Allies

It’s no secret that everyone wants to be on the winning team. Even rebellious personalities want their team to be successful, so show off your wins! After all, sharing that victory ultimately gives back to everyone who has helped you. With so many contest placements and wins being announced in the Screenwriting Lounge, there are just as many opportunities to respond with a hearty congratulations and an offer to connect for future collaborations.


Your follow-up assignment, should you choose to accept it: Before you double down on your agenda for 2022, take a moment to take inventory. Post in the lounges with a recount of your victories, a reflection on your struggles, but most of all, bask in the glow of your creative, collaborative moments from this past year. Then, step into the light by clicking "POST". Finally, as comments come in, respond to those comments and comment on at least three others' posts. What better place to post than in the Introduce Yourself Lounge!

I hope this helps to keep your lucky charms close, and I'll see you in the lounges!


About Karen "Kay" Ross

How to Make Friends in the Film Business Resetting the Intention of Networking

Karen "Kay" Ross is a graduate of Colorado Film School and Regis University in Denver, Colorado. She’s a screenwriter, director, and producer based out of Los Angeles. Originally from the DC area, she’s written and produced several short films, hosts a podcast called “Good Morning, Class” aimed at teenagers interested in media, and is currently developing a slate of new material, including a coming-of-age TV Pilot set at the Renaissance Festival and a feature film about how "compassion fatigue" affects everyday people. She enjoys acting, directing, and being interviewed, just like her fun-loving mentor, Kevin Smith. She loves opportunities to work with inclusive, diverse, and driven professionals. Be sure to connect with her on Stage 32, on Twitter at @EmbraceZeKayoss, or on Instagram at @K.osswrites


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