Today's blog comes from our fearless leader Richard "RB" Botto. Over on his Medium he has put together Three Things in the Entertainment Industry You Shouldn’t Take Personally and he is sharing them exclusively to you, the Stage 32 community. He has posted this exclusive information over on his Medium account, and we've provided an excerpt below...
Enjoy Creative Army!
On Medium by Richard "RB" Botto
It’s tough not to take things personally when you’re a creative. Writers, directors, actors, cinematographers and other film and TV creatives are emotionally invested in their work, while putting in a massive amount of time and effort in creating their art. This makes hearing negative feedback or a simple, but impactful “no” feel like a crushing setback.
However, most interactions don’t need to be viewed this way, and if you can control how you perceive and react to them, you’ll have a better shot of making it in the entertainment industry for the long run.
Here are three things in the entertainment industry that you shouldn’t take personally:
This is the number one thing I hear all the time that is frustrating to creatives. Whether it’s a representative you really want to work with or a well-connected industry friend or colleague, not hearing back from people is challenging.
There are many reasons this happens....
For more amazing free entertainment industry craft and business content, follow RB on Instagram and Twitter
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