I love love in all its forms. It is what makes you, me, us go round. As we are in the month of love, I want to write about just this topic.
As creatives, I think many struggle with love in ways that are unique to our industry, especially when it comes to ourselves. We can take a lot of rejection over a prolonged period, so much so that we begin to believe that we and our work are, well, not so much – that is a harsh position to take with oneself. And as storytellers, especially writers, we spend a ton of time alone, which can amplify our struggles around love. Although as spinners of words, images, and sound, we really do need this alone time both to create and recharge, sometimes heal.
So, I want to share a story about a seemingly perfect date with a charming Greek gentleman, which took an unexpected turn and became a valuable lesson in alone time and self-love. Then, offer some practical advice on nurturing yourself.
Picture this: a captivating evening with a tall, dark Greek. It all seemed perfect until he dropped the one line that changed everything: I do not ever like to be alone, ever, not even for coffee.
The screeching halt in my head was deafening. What? Never? Even for someone tall, dark, and Greek, that was a deal-breaker. As I unraveled my unexpected reaction, I had a revelation about the profound importance of alone time and how much I cherished it.
Cherished moments of solitude are transformative. They let you reflect, grow, and embrace your freedom without judgment. Alone time is not a luxury; it is a necessity for becoming who you want to be, for allowing your creativity to flourish. The thought of being with someone who cannot be alone jeopardizes the time when I reflect and grow as a human, the time I chat to myself out loud or move silently through space, the time I walk around my place naked because it is so hot or dress like Nanook from the North because it is so cold, the time I can either dance or cry. While you can do all the above things with a partner, it is not the same as being in your singleness, your oneness. When you can honestly see who you are and figure out how to course-correct if needed. I did not consciously understand how vital “alone time” is until I saw the possibility of it no longer being available.
For a long time, I struggled with what self-love meant. Like many of us, I equated it with self-centeredness, selfishness, ego, and vanity, all of which have negative connotations that can bring on a negative self-image. However, self-love does not have to be narcissism; it can be self-care, self-directedness, self-compassion, and self-forgiveness. It is becoming your own best friend, companion, and playmate.
Use these inspiring quotes and actionable tips to nurture a positive relationship with yourself.
Take a moment for self-reflection and appreciate something wonderful about yourself.
Dedicate a day to self-care, doing things that bring you joy and relaxation.
Write down three things you love about yourself and your life.
Start your day with positive affirmations about love and kindness.
Set healthy boundaries in a relationship to ensure mutual respect and understanding.
Reflect on an experience that taught you a valuable lesson about love.
Take a nature walk, appreciating the beauty around you.
Engage in expressive arts, whether drawing, writing, or music, to express your feelings of love.
Create a playlist of songs that express feelings of love and share it with someone special.
Be the glue for the relationship you have with yourself, have a movie night, enjoying films that celebrate love.
Learn to love yourself and your company. Be with others because you want to, not need to, even for coffee. You do not depend on someone else for companionship. You already do that for yourself--this is powerful knowledge. So, embrace solitude, cherish self-love. Take time to reflect on your creative journey. How can you deepen your connection with yourself and your craft? Your story is yours, and the love within guides your creativity.
Available now Take a Shot at Happiness: How to Write, Direct & Produce the Life You Want. Voted “Best Personal Development Book of the Year 2024” by Best Holistic Life
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Stage 32 Webinar with Maria On Demand: Seven Steps of Mindfulness for Creatives
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