Posted by Amanda Toney

Last month, the awesome owners of Film Courage came to the Stage 32 offices to interview our CEO, RB Botto. The wide ranging, over 3-hour interview covered a plethora of subjects including screenwriting, filmmaking, acting, distribution, indiefilm, the state or the industry, crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, social media, and networking in person, online and outside of LA to name a few.


Film Courage has begun releasing the interview in segments and we're happy to announce that we'll be bringing these videos to the community right here on the Stage 32 Blog.

Today's video is on the subject of Most Likely Reason Why People Fail At Crowdfunding. RB talks about how to build social currency, why relationships are so important, how to engage an audience and why you need to focus on moving a crowd, not an individual, to be successful.

The entire interview will be online in a couple of months. When it comes available, we'll have it right here!


Plus, if you missed the other Film Courage video posts so far, don't worry! You can access them here:

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