Posted by Amanda Toney

Hello everyone,

Shannon here. For those of you who don’t know me yet, I am the Director of Education here at Stage 32. If you've ever wondered who puts together all of our Next Level Webinars and Classes, that's me. If you ever have questions about our education, how to watch an on-demand video or Stage 32 in general, that's also me.

It’s been an incredible past couple of months for Stage 32 Next Level Education and we’ve seen record-breaking attendance in our Next Level Webinars and Classes. Forbes has recognized us as the leader in online education for those working in film, television and theater, and I’m proud to say that Stage 32 Next Level Education has a 97% user satisfaction rate and 91% of all those who have taken a Next Level Education offering say they would take another!

With so many great instructors and topics lined up, I wanted to give you a heads up on some of our fast approaching upcoming Next Level Classes and Webinars so you don’t miss out.

Happy learning!


Here’s What Is Lined Up For The Next Two Weeks:

Today, Tuesday July 21st at 1pm PDT

Stage 32 Next Level Webinars presents How To Understand, Identify & Secure A Sales Agent. This 90-minute online webinar will be taught by Simon Graham-Clare and Ricky Margolis, Producers and Consultants at Future Films USA who have financed and/or produced over 200 films & TV shows! This webinar is essential for any filmmaker who wants a better understanding of how to obtain distribution and what a sales agent can bring to your project.

What you will learn in this webinar:

  • What a sales agent can do for you that you can't do for yourself.
  • How and where sales agents sell: the formats they sell (theatrical/SVOD/VOD/HV/TV).
  • How to vet a sales agent and find the right one for you project.
  • How and when you should approach a sales agent.
  • How the partnership between filmmaker/producer and sales agent works.
  • How sales agents get paid - what to expect.

To read more about this webinar, see a video from Simon and Ricky and to register, click here!

Today, Tuesday July 21st at 6pm PDT

Stage 32 Next Level Classes is thrilled to bring you Budgets, Cash Flows & Cost Reports: Navigating A Film’s Financials. This 2-week online class is taught by award-winning Line Producer Maura Anderson (Winter's Bone, Would You Rather, Bad Samaritans, Suit Up). In two weekly interactive lectures, Maura will take you in-depth on the financial side of a film. You’ll learn how to create a budget and cash flow, navigate cost reports and discuss important pieces like accounting and tax incentives!

What you will learn in this class:

  • "We spend how much?!" How much money do you actually need?
  • How to put together a proper film budget.
  • How to create a cash flow and cost report.
  • How to set up an LLC for your film.
  • How to navigate tax incentives.

To read more about this class, see a video from Maura and to register, click here!

Thursday July 23rd at 1pm PDT

Stage 32 Next Level Webinars presents 10 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Casting Director Workshops. This 90-minute online webinar is hosted by Jessica Sitomer, acclaimed International Entertainment Industry Speaker, Career Coach, and Actress, as well as Producer of three TV shows, author, produced writer and development associate. This webinar is essential for any actor who is preparing for the upcoming episodic season and feels they aren't getting their desired results from Casting Director Workshops.

What you will learn in this webinar:

  • Unique questions to ask during the Q&A portion of the workshops.
  • How to brand yourself for the specific CD in the room.
  • How to know when you’re annoying a CD.
  • Jessica’s proven campaign follow up strategy.
  • Jessica's personal “Casting Director Attractor” relationship building strategy.

To read more about this webinar, see video from Jessica and to register, click here!

Tuesday July 28th at 1pm PDT

Stage 32 Next Level Webinars presents Developing & Financing Faith and Family Based Projects. This 90-minute online webinar is hosted by Nikki Hevesy and Anne Marie Gillen, Producers and film finance experts with over 20 years of experience each in developing and financing media projects. Whether you’re a producer, filmmaker or writer, knowing what goes into a faith and family project in the development stage, team building stage and financing and distribution stage is key to your project’s success in the marketplace!

What you will learn in this webinar:

  • Who are the financiers and studios targeting this market and what are they looking for?
  • Who are the distributors and marketers targeting this audience?
  • How these projects are getting funded.
  • What makes a faith and family based film successful in the marketplace.
  • How to create authentic content for this market.
  • Red flags when putting together your creative team.

To read more about this webinar, see a video from Nikki and Anne Marie and to register, click here!

If you’re interested in taking one of the online educational opportunities above but cannot be available at the time of the live broadcast, don’t worry! Each webinar and class is recorded and everyone who purchases will have access to an on-demand audio recording that you can listen to as many times as you’d like for a full year!

To see the full list of all of the upcoming and on-demand Next Level Webinars and Classes, click below!

To view all our On-Demand Next Level Webinars, click here: All Stage 32 Next Level Webinars

To view all our On-Demand Next Level Classes, click here: All Stage 32 Next Level Classes

I'm extremely passionate about the value of education and I'd love to hear what skills you would like to improve through our online educational offerings. If you have any suggestions or feedback, or questions relating to Stage 32 Next Level Education, please let me know in the comments section below.

Happy learning and I look forward to seeing you in one of these upcoming courses!

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As always, we welcome thoughts and remarks on ANY of the content above in the Comments section below...

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