Our fearless leader, Richard 'RB' Botto, has a brand new article over on Medium and we've got a first look for you here on the Stage 32 Blog. Check out this preview of his latest piece, and be sure to click here to read the full article.
If you struggle with procrastination, don’t beat yourself up. We live in a world designed to distract you. From the emails and newsletters that fill our inbox, social media, push notification, telemarketers, and so on, everything around us is working overtime to keep our attention diverted from our individual tasks and goals.
There’s a major debate right now over “hustle culture” and whether it’s something aspire to or harmful to our mental health. (It’s been fascinating to see so many inspirational “gurus” flip-flop on this issue as mental health advocates have taken them to task.) But even for those who adhere to a hustle mentality, procrastination remains an issue. It takes a lot of time to learn something new and a cost for buying the right tools to make things happen. This can be overwhelming, which leads to procrastination and, eventually, burnout. Further, almost all of these pursuits are done in isolation, leading to a lack of motivation, and, in some cases, depression.
Instead of trying to hustle your way to success by being involved in a million projects and listening to too many voices, maybe it’s time instead to get leaner and think about what it is you actually want to accomplish.
In the Stage 32 Writers’ Room, our community of creatives meets weekly online and live (no YouTube ads stepping in to cut-off the conversation) to go over their goals for the month and the small steps they’re taking to meet them. By coming together in a community setting of like-minded creatives, isolation goes away, sharing becomes safe, support comes in droves, and inspiration and motivation are in abundance. This creates a real-world, tangible experience.
Still, the creatives and executives in the Writers’ Room and on Stage 32, in general, are still prone to procrastination. It’s innate. But like most things in life, the key to breaking a bad habit and creating a new one revolves around a plan, taking action on that plan, and having the discipline to repeat those actions over and over toward the goal of a desired result.
Here are 7 ways to get that done...
Click here to read the full article from RB
Want even more great content from RB? Follow him on Instagram and Twitter for his informative entertainment industry videos and other free content!
Check out two more fantastic Medium articles from RB here:
You are Worthy! 4 Ways You Can Overcome Imposter Syndrome!
You Want a Seat at the Table? Here are 3 Ways to Earn It!
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