With 9,417 Miles between them, Stage32 was the bridge that facilitated the connection between two global filmmakers.
In June of 2016 while managing my Stage32 account, I received a message from a filmmaker in the Republic of Zimbabwe, a landlocked country located in southern Africa. His name was Marc Anthony Greenland (director, actor, screenwriter, and producer) who expressed an interest in expanding his industry network to include like-minded people.
Initially my thought was that there is a 9-hour time difference between Denver, Colorado, USA and Bulawayo, Zimbabwe and the physical distance would make it virtually impossible for us to achieve anything worthy of consideration.
The Denver Skyline
But nothing could have been further from the truth, given the fact that we've completed two successful collaborations to date.
Although I have traveled extensively to over 43 countries, Zimbabwe was a place I had yet to explore. The opportunity to connect with a creative individual on the other side of the planet was very compelling. So we began exchanging ideas, previous work, and scripts via Stage32’s message function, e-mails, video conference calls and cross-platform mobile messaging apps.
My vision is to bridge humanity, one film at a time, and with the help of platforms like Stage32, I have been able to collaborate with talented people around the world to create exciting content, while telling unheard stories that not only cross borders, but expose emerging talent to viewers.
Zimbabwe represents the thirteenth country that I have been blessed to support and collaborating with Marc has been a wonderful experience. Other international co-production locations include; Japan, Belize, England, Germany, Bahrain, Singapore, Jordan, Nigeria, Uganda, Canada, Jamaica and South Africa.
“What I appreciate about Stage32 is that it makes the film community smaller,” says Greenland.
As independent filmmakers, we are excited about what the future holds and look forward to collaborating on other projects that help bridge the creative divide. On a personal note, working with Marc has allowed me to move from success to significance.
Our film, The Last Salute, was recently accepted into the Los Angeles International Film Festival. And as it continues to pick up traction, so does our story. It was featured (along with a Stage 32 shout out) on UrbanCulxure.com.
And to think it all began right here on Stage 32.
Read The Article Here:
Art Thomas launched Main Man Films in 1999, bringing more than 22 years of international business experience in over 42 countries to the team. His unique perspective and creativity offers an innovative approach to the industry . In 2004, Art co-produced a film distributed by Lionsgate and has produced projects in Japan, Belize and England. He has been featured in numerous U.S. and foreign publications and in 2007, Art was selected as 1 of 20 Diversity Fellows for the N.A.T.P.E. (National Association of Television Program Executives), LATV Conference. In 2010, he was selected by the Governor’s office as 1 of 40 industry experts, to participate on Colorado’s Creative Economy Panel representing the TV and film sector. Art holds an MBA in Int'l Marketing from Notre Dame de Namur University in California. When asked what is his ultimate goal; "to make God smile."
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