Happy Wednesday, Stage 32 Community!
As part of the Stage 32 mission, we are always looking for ways to refine and enhance the experience for both our members and our executive consultants. We work diligently to give our members access to professional, constructive feedback from and direct meetings with our executives, and we aim to provide our executives with steady exposure to emerging talent with amazing potential.
That said, we are very excited to announce a fantastic new feature here on Stage 32! Starting today, we are rolling out a program through which consultation calls and executive script reads are now available for double recommendations and meeting requests!
This option currently exists for Executive Script Coverage and we are thrilled to now offer the same for your consultations. I was happy to announce this to our executive roster this morning and they could not be more thrilled to be able to find undiscovered talent.
In the past, when we've connected you with our executives in the portal we didn't have a way to track if you as a writer or your project were rated on the industry standard rating system of pass/consider/recommend and the great news is that now we can!
And, not only that, but executives can now request meetings with you after your consultation directly through the Stage 32 portal! This is access and opportunity that you can't get anywhere else!
Much like Stage 32 written script coverage, if you receive a coveted "double recommend" you will automatically get an official double recommend badge displayed on your Stage 32 profile that you can also post on social media.
The Double Recommend badge helps our Stage 32 members whose writing has been recommended by a working industry professional, stand out to other executives, representatives, and creators in the community at a glance!
To learn more about these badges, you can read our recent blog about them by clicking HERE!
This is an accolade for anyone who has submitted a specific piece of work to a Stage 32 executive for script coverage or consultation and the executive has provided a pass, consider, or recommend rating for both your submitted material, as well as your writing ability.
If your script receives a “Double Recommend” from the reader, your script’s logline and your bio will be included in a Stage 32 industry lookbook which is sent to over 500 industry professionals every month!
Our Double Recommend program has resulted in us setting up writers on meetings incredible places such as CAA, WME, Anonymous Content, Verve, Cold Iron, Whitewater Films, Broken Road Films,
Any writer who walks away with a ‘Double Recommend’ gets featured in the Stage 32 Double Recommend Lookbook, which is sent to over 500 industry professionals every month.
Previous lookbooks have resulted in requests from Sony Pictures Animation, 3 Arts, Lit Entertainment (THE TOMORROW WAR with Chris Pratt), Verve, Ramo Law, The Cartel, Untitled Entertainment, Circle of Confusion, Zero Gravity Management, Mind's Eye Entertainment, Marc Platt Productions (LA LA LAND), Black Bear Pictures (THE IMITATION GAME), Polaris Pictures (OBSESSION), Energy Entertainment and more!
Feature Script Premium Development Notes From an Executive (2 Pages)
Feature Script Studio Level Development Notes from an Executive (3-5 Pages)
Television Pilot Premium Development Notes from an Executive (2 Pages)
Television Pilot Studio Level Development Notes from an Executive (3-5 Pages)
Feature Script Read + 30 Minute Talk with an Executive
Feature Script Read + 60 Minute Talk with an Executive
TV Pilot Read + 30 Minute Talk with an Executive
TV Pilot Read + 60 Minute Talk with an Executive
It's an exciting time here on Stage 32 as we work every day to elevate your experience and the resources that we provide, here on the platform!
Need help finding which executive is a fit for your screenplay? Drop the Success Team a line at Success@Stage32.com - Tell us about your screenplays and we'll point you in the right direction!
Let's hear your thoughts in the comments below!
Got an idea for a post? Or have you collaborated with Stage 32 members to create a project? We'd love to hear about it. Email Ashley at blog@stage32.com and let's get your post published!
Please help support your fellow Stage 32ers by sharing this on social. Check out the social media buttons at the top to share on Instagram @stage32 , Twitter @stage32 , Facebook @stage32 , and LinkedIn @stage-32 .
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AI in Screenwriting: Friend, Foe, or the Future of Storytelling? |
Finding One’s Voice: How Journaling Inspired Creative Projects (Part 2) |
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Blog Post by Nick Phillips, posted on Wednesday, January 15th, 2025
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Hi stage32, I can't wait to have my pitch deck finished, so I can send my project. How does it work to send it in with this new method? Who do I contact? Thank you. Regards Grace Antonina Balistreri
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Thank you so much Maurizio
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You're welcome, Grace.
What is your fee for a screenplay read?
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Hi, Martin. The prices vary. The price for a Feature Script Read + 30 Minute Talk with an Executive is $149. I recommend it. I ordered one, and the executive's notes made my script a lot better!
This is terrific, Nick. Thank you for your article and the explanation of "Double Recommends." Have Double Recommends already been issued? If so, how can I access this information? I remember getting something about one on my scripts, Fausto's Road, being in Stage 32's Look Book. Does that mean I also have a double recommend? Thanks again, A.P.
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This is so cool, Nick!
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Thank you, Nick, for this improvement, which will be much more motivating for us! This is an incredible upgrading.
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But does a badge system not create first and second class members? That creates a scenario where only people with those badges get heard when script services and pitch sessions go down.
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That’s awesome Nick! Thanks so much for all you do!
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This is great, thank you so much, Nick!
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Thank you, Nick. Yesterday’s career consultation was such a blast! Shared some good laughs and learned a great deal. Enjoyed every minute of it. BUT…. I am deeply disappointed… for you MUST make a definite beeline for Paul next time. ; ) Be well, my friend, and have a Glorious New Year.
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Thank you, Nick
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Thank you, Nick
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This inspired me.
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Happy Wednesday, Nick. This is exciting news! I've been looking forward to doing another Feature Script Read + 30 Minute Talk with an Executive. I'm looking forward to it even more now! Thanks for putting this new program together, Nick and everyone on the Script Services Team!
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