Making the Most of Your Networking Time

Posted by Stage 32 Staff - Julie
Registrations for the January 2015 On Stage With RB were in high demand, smashing all previous records. As you know, we normally open registration to the first 1000 members. We almost always hit capacity, but this time we were well above. As a result, many Stage 32'ers were shut out from the broadcast. 

We apologize for this inconvenience! In an effort to make things right, we've taken the following steps:

1 - We've converted the video at record speed and it is now available by clicking below. Of course, all previous On Stage With RB Webinars are always available 24/7 On Demand by clicking here.

2 - We've expanded our capacity to allow for hundreds of more members to attend each monthly On Stage With RB LIVE! No more getting shut out!

January's On Stage With RB was an epic affair. RB welcomed two incredible guests: Rachel Chervin, Development Executive at Broadway Video (Saturday Night Live, Portlandia) and Conrad Sun, TV Literary Manager and Development Executive for Meridian Artists. Rachel and Conrad spoke extensively on opportunities within the industry and how creatives should best position themselves to take advantage. Other topics they covered included how best to query an executive, approaching to networking, how to show off your unique voice and much more. Additionally, RB answered over 2 hours of Stage 32 member questions including how to make the most of your networking time.

This is one you won't want to miss! Click below to watch January's On Stage With RB!

Click here to watch On Stage With RB!

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As always, please share your remarks and questions in the Comments section below!
RB's Stage 32 News, Notes, Discussions and Other Fun Stuff (January 23, 2015)
Stage 32 Hits Sundance 2015
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