Posted by Richard "RB" Botto

Well, we made it. We’re in the final stretch of the 2016 November 30-Day Write Club. I’d like to take a minute to thank the incredible Beth Fox Heisinger. Beth has been our tireless leader these last 2 years, motivating, inspiring and encouraging the incredibly talented writers here on Stage 32.

The November 30-Day Write Club is not simply about the number of pages, or the length of time you spend writing, it’s a personal challenge to push yourself to reach your writing goals. We all know that life can get in the way and us writers like to – ahem – procrastinate. To witness so many accept and embrace the mission and support so many others with their efforts has been a pleasure.

But we're not done yet!

Let’s take it to the finish line. Let's continue to push and, if need be, carry one another to complete the task at hand. One way you can surely motivate inspire others who may have come to the Club late or may have just joined our community is by sharing your Write Club experiences in the Comments section below. Also, please do participate in the Write Club Screenwriting Lounge threadhere.

Oh, and for all those who participated in the Club this year, be sure to check your inbox next week. We'll be handing out some goodies for a job well done

Until then, keep writing!



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How Stage 32 Helped To Bring My Project To Life
RB's Stage 32 News, Notes, Discussions and Other Fun Stuff (November 25, 2016)
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