Acting : Actor Website Tips by Tom Lapke

Tom Lapke

Actor Website Tips

In 2024, every actor needs a website. Not having one would be akin to 20 years ago not having a headshot. It can be tricky to decide what to include on your website. Personally, I have built countless actor websites, so I thought I would offer some tips for you. This is in no way an exhaustive list, but instead, a great place to start that would get everything a CD needs from you in one place.

Things to have - if your name is not available, some other variations instead of could or but for SEO purposes, having your name somewhere in the URL is crucial.

Landing Page - Your initial landing page is super important. It is introducing you to whomever is viewing the site and the design and style should speak to what it is you, as an actor, are selling. Do you play tough guys? Then bright colors and toothy smiles might not be the way to go. Are you a young ingenue who exudes soft femininity? Selling yourself as a badass rocker girl would be a misstep.

Pictures - Headshots are a no-brainer, but make sure they are selling you properly. Other photos you might use could be production stills, modeling shots, and editorial-style shots. Just make sure at each step, you ask yourself, is this photo helping someone cast me in a project? If the answer is no, then it doesn't belong on your actor website.

Reel - You have to have a reel nowadays. It is just expected. I've mentioned this before, but for a clip to belong on your reel it should do one of two things - show what you have done (one line on a major TV show) or what you can do (a great performance in an unheard of student film)

Resume - Not only should this be on the site, but it should be easy to read, formatted for mobile, and easily downloadable. It should also fit on one page.

Contact - I personally hate contact forms, and much prefer the actual contact information. I have heard CDs say the same thing. That said, I am a 45-year-old man who has never gotten by on his looks. If I was an attractive young actress with a bunch of really flattering photos on my website, I might not want to put my direct contact information out there. So this is really going to be an individual choice.

I hope this helps. I would be happy to answer any questions or clarify any of the above.

Maurice Vaughan

Excellent tips, Tom Lapke!

Sydney Summers

Great tip Tom!

Wendy Kay

Thank you for this information!

Sam Sokolow

This is great and pertinent actionable information for all actors. Flagging this for my network. Thanks, Tom Lapke.

Tom Lapke

Should I do a part two of the things NOT to have on your website?

Chase Cysco

Tom Lapke 100 %

Maurice Vaughan

Yeah, Tom Lapke!

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