I am very torn on this topic. I would love to know some of your opinions on it. When does the actor's responsibility begin and end?
I am very torn on this topic. I would love to know some of your opinions on it. When does the actor's responsibility begin and end?
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Tom Lapke Hi Tom, I think it's even more complicated than that, because Mr Baldwin is also a Producer on the film.
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Agree with Geoff Hall.
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Richard "RB" Botto the stars have aligned, RB!
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I think any lawyer worth a damn is going to be able to get the jury to understand that, at the time of the incident, he was acting in his capacity as an actor, not a producer. But we will see.
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Update: Case was dismissed yesterday and cannot be refiled. Also, the armourer may be freed.
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This goes to show armorers in showbiz need training and they need to constantly ensure weapons on set are unloaded. Or at the very least, they should make sure they're unloaded prior to filming.
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For anyone who has not worked in the legal field before, I can not tell you what a deus ex machine, third act surprise, Perry Mason moment this was for the judge to dismiss with prejudice. That kind of stuff only happens in movies and TV. Just incredible.