This juggernaut franchise shows no signs of slowing down. This movie might pace summer 2026's box office like Inside Out 2 has done thus far this summer. Thoughts?
This juggernaut franchise shows no signs of slowing down. This movie might pace summer 2026's box office like Inside Out 2 has done thus far this summer. Thoughts?
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I saw a post today saying that Toy Story 5 and Shrek 5 are being released summer 2026, Sam Sokolow. I think both movies are gonna be huge box office hits.
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I will be honest. I wish they had stopped at Toy Story 3. From a writing perspective, it was such a perfect (if not sad) ending to a trilogy. It seems like every time they try to add another movie to a great trilogy, it is just never as good (*glares at the Hobbit movies).
I completely agree with you, Tom Lapke. I enjoyed Toy Story 4, it made me laugh and it was fun. But as a kid who grew up alongside Andy and that franchise, it felt like a real conclusion to the story at the end of 3. My friends and I were also leaving for college that year and we literally balled our eyes out in the theater together when he said goodbye to the toys. It was beautiful.
And don't get me started on the Hobbit movies...
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Incredible, the gift that keeps on giving :)
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As long as people keep buying tickets, they’ll keep making ‘em. Nothing wrong with that.
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If they build it the people will come.
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Mike Boas I agree. 3 things we have to all remember. 1.) There are kids who have not seen these franchisees and may not check out the old ones until they see a new one. 2.) these sequels keep us working for now. 3.) familiar franchises means less marketing.
So as long as people keep buying tickets. Hey!!! Either that or spend the money to push new writers and new content.