Anything Goes : 2-Part Class: Cinematographers: How to Prepare & What to Expect On Set by Sydney S

Sydney S

2-Part Class: Cinematographers: How to Prepare & What to Expect On Set

A film or tv production is a collective effort. Learn what is expected from you as a cinematographer during pre production and on an average day on set so you are prepared, respected and set you and the entire production up for success.

Fulfilling your duties and understanding set etiquette will help create a positive and efficient work environment . This will not only will help you build a solid work reputation which will lead to other jobs but there are many costly mistakes one can make that could negatively impact you and other on the crew. Not understanding what you are responsible for, the proper lines of communication, not being prepared which can cost the entire production time and money, or not delivering the vision expected are all things that could sabotage the experience. With this class you will gain many tips on both what to do and what not to do.

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