A comprehensive understanding of screenwriting fundamentals will not only improve your writing but will also help you expand your screenwriting career.
In 16 weeks over this 14-session course with 2 creative weeks for your own writing, you will be using a proven technique designed for emerging writers to rise above the pack. You will learn functional skills to develop your craft with pacing, authentic storytelling, building your writing muscle, and basics of screenwriting. You will learn not only the techniques to step ahead of the pack with your writing, but you will also be working on perfecting your own writing technique.
Get trained from a leading industry expert!
AZ Yeamen has sold nearly every script she's ever written. She has become the go-to for revisions, doctoring, whipping stories into shape, and pitch packages for Netflix, TVOne, Aspire TV, UMC Streaming, Bounce TV, and independent production companies. Most recently, she served as a Story Editor on Covenant on AMC's ALLBLK.
Payment plans are available - email edu@stage32.com and we can help! Sign up link and learn more here: https://www.stage32.com/education/products/stage-32-master-screenwriting...
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Looking forward to the lab beginning this Sunday, email edu@stage32.com if you have any questions!
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Testimonials from the last class: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGdUZG3JKw/sMgHqpjOm4Y4TfxyNq9OSQ/watch?ut...
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I'm tried to log in for the lab of screenwriting certification AZ but It's not working can someone tell me what to do.
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Hi Grace, I'm just seeing this, an email is generally there is a calendar and email invite
with the calendar sent out.