Distribution : Hi! question for distributors by Ronald Villegas

Ronald Villegas

Hi! question for distributors

Do distributors have a network/team of key art designers? or do the filmmakers need to have their film packaged with proper key art?

Mike Boas

If you don’t have a poster, they can usually have one done for you and charge it against your income. Or recommend someone to hire.

Ewan Dunbar

Usually some form of artwork is a delivery item for the completed film but distributors will often either adapt this or create their own. This is why providing stills is also important when delivering your film.

Debbie Elicksen

Ronald Villegas Distribution isn't a one-size-fits-all. Distribution of a project is multi-layered but first, as the filmmaker, you need to have "pitch" materials to sell it to theatres, streamers, and ultimately, the viewers. If a film has a built-in loyal genre, reaching out to that genre in the channels that they follow is one form of distribution. It's all marketing 101 and finding your project's tribe.

Sam Sokolow

Some great advice here from the community. I agree that you need to be prepared with materials to share and set photots, all that that may get used, and that you can use to do some social marketing but many distributors - especially the big ones - will create campaigns. You should be prepared for all scenarios.

Christopher Maes

If you elect to design the poster yourself, or use a designer that you hire, the upside is that you can: control what you spend; have more control over the creative concept of the poster art; and create 2-3 alternate poster versions which will be useful to you in the future for your social media and overseas marketing campaigns.

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