In my mind, the best sci-fi film is Gattaca. it is intelligent, has something to say and retains its humanity throughout. The best sci-fi series, Battlestar Galactica. Pure human drama that just happens to be in a sci-fi setting.
For films, I have to pick 2007's Sunshine. It's overall plot was extremely interesting, and has (in my opinion) one of the greatest scores of all time. and for TV show, I have to agree with you. Battlestar Galactica was indeed a great show. 'nuff said.
SURVIVORS is an amazing sci-fi UK television show. Check it out on Netflix. I dunno about movies. There are too many to pick from. For now, I'll pick PERFUME. But 20 minutes later, I'll have something else for you.
No, no, the reality show. It has great sci-fi elements to.... just kidding. Yup! The one with Max Beasley. It was PHENOMENAL! I watched it all on Netflix and I DIED when I found out if was cancelled. That's a show I would have loved to write for. I've heard rumors of an American version, but who knows...
In terms of technical bests, it's hard to beat Firefly; the writing, the acting, the effects, and the fandom are all top-notch (well, some of us are a little horrific). Movie-quality space-western SF on a TV budget. Movie wise, I'll have to go with Neill Blomkamp's District 9. Gritty, verité-style SF, using SF tropes to tell an emotional story (about racism and apartheid), with the narrative guts to cast the alien as the narrative hero (who finds the resolution) and leave the human as the supporting/viewpoint character.
Alien, of course. TV show? Most scifi series take things too seriously or have the same story week after week. I was a big fan of Mystery Science Theatre 3000 when it was on. Hilarious. Nothing better than 50's and 60's scifi B movies...
Best Film is hard to pick, because there are so many good sci-fi movies, but I'd say Back to the Future, it was funny, had good actors, and the Delorean. For tV show I'd say Stargate Sg-1 hands down.
Blade Runner. Love the atmosphere of over-populated filthy world it takes place in and score just takes on a life of its own. TV show? Hard to say but I'm leaning toward the original Twilight Zone.
Jacqueline, FIREFLY was a sort of space western created by Joss Whedon who also created Buffy the Vampire Slayer. SERENITY was the motion picture conclusion to the storyline after the series was cancelled after only one season. Oh, and MARK, I have a suggestion that I think you might like. Check out a series called FRINGE - I think you might like it.
I can't believe some of these answers. Yes, JJ Abraham's and Joss Wheaton have come out with some great sci-fi series recently. But we needs to look at all time. Doctor Who has gone from Radio to Movies, now to a big budget TV series. The evidence is in the progress of the series. DOCTOR WHO WINS!
@Laura And we forgot about the 2 spinoff's of it too! Torchwood on the BBC and also the Starz mini series! The Doctor wins hands down for greatest of all time. And if you look at the talent that comes out of there guest staring rolls you see young talent staring in their own shows a few years later.
I was referring to the Doctor Who umbrella of work. It doesn't surprise me. The business is larger than people realize. 1000 of projects are in production at one time on any given day. Even more with YouTube.
@E Thomas Canton... Love Gattaca - Great movie. I was really impressed without the attention to detail in the development of that film. If you look up the historical meanings of the names of characters (Anton, Jerome, Vincent) they really tie in. You can tell it was a movie made with love. My favourite scifi movie (at the moment at least) has to be Moon (a great movie which really plays off the expectations from the genre really well). Sci Fi on TV? I really like Star Trek The Next Generation. I love the fact that it's watchable now, and hasn't dated badly at all - something which is really hard in this genre, especially on TV. It's amazing when you watch it that the series is 25 years old!
@Pigfender Star Trek is probably my number 2 for greatest sci-fi series of all time. I have learned a lot from watching the shows. I can't wait to see the new one! I have seen some BTS stuff already and lets just say WOW! I CANT WAIT!
Dr Who is the best bar none. It was on TV first from 1963 to the 80s Then it started up again a few years ago. But it didnt really die because in the interum it was a radio show and comics. My favorite old run doctor is Tom Baker Of the new run Drs I like Chris Eccelstons look it stood out but I think Matt Smith is great. Of movies Thats hard, star wars perhaps?
I'm a longtime fan of the Doctor, but will give someone else a chance. Best Science fiction movie: Blade Runner. Best science fiction series: Firefly (points for originality).
Sorry everyone, i must say its the original Star Trek, my dad introduced it to me as he watched it when he was a child, for the time period, it was the best and miles ahead of anything else.
Speaking of original Star Trek, when I got hooked up with blu-ray and Netflix, I was delighted to find all the episodes available, uncut! Since they were always edited for commercial time, the episodes were seldom seen in their entirety.
I know this may not directly apply, but I had to throw this into the mix. I would come home from school and at 4 p.m. watch DARK SHADOWS!!!!!!!!!!!Loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now THAT brought back some memories, even as a child i loved that show, and still do,,, when the new one came out i was thrilled. Sadly it did not last,,,,
There some great character actors in that show Mark......Unfortunately, today that is not appreciated as it was then...........I also remember watching the promos for OUTER LIMITS as the new up N' coming show.......Even the music was gggoooorrryy!!!!!!!!!
Film: Alien. TV Series: Battlestar Gallactica (the most recent version James Olmos). Runner-up fpr film: The Blob (the original with Steve McQueen scared the hell out of me. I couldn't even go to the bathroom alone as a kid for fear the blob would slide under the door and get me! Runner up for some sci-fi in the series is The Twilight Zone (Rod Serling original series) tied with Dr. Who (with Tom). Honorable mention for the original "War of the Worlds" film.
Robinson Crusoe on Mars sounds awful, but for scifi was great . Very old move, astronaut gets stranded on the surfacee of mars with Mona (a monkey in a spacesuit that was supposed to be the test case for a mammal on Mars). There is no wateand the atmosphere is too weak to support life How will he live? And the mothership orbits the planet, swinging tantalizingly close as it passes overhead every day. He's doomed, right? But he survives. Finds a way.
Film: The Fifth Element. So my world. Series: Toss up - Love Star Trek: Enterprise. Given time, Firefly would have beat it. Next are the SG series. Nice topic!
@JC - Yes, I watched and enjoyed The incredible Shrinking Man, The Body Snatchers, The Attack of the 50 Foot Woman many times when they were originally released. Now I feel like I want to change my favorite film to the original King King with Fay Wray. LOL!
Incredible Shrinking Man -- what a desperate ending. Loved Bodysnatchers as well. 2001 still holds up as a great SciFi. TV SciFi: I loved the original Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy (and the RADIO version before it!)
Consider the Dalek it was quite litteraly dezined after a pepper pot. Its weapons look like an egg beater and a plunger. Yet they are the doctors arch ememy.
Looks like it what remains valued is the telling of a good story with which we can connect that engages us. Or perhaps, it touches that something in us that is elusive, just beyond us about which we are curious. We identify in some way.
Valerie, True. It is something in the story that makes us call it scifi. I have forgotten Avengers. A great film, yet I never think of it as scifi but something else. Prometheus is exploring a genesis theory that makes it count as scifi. I did like that film very much. And I suspect I will like the next one even more.
JC, Yes! Avengers with Mr. Steed and diana Rigg. Thanks for bringing it into the "best" conversation. I haven't seen Prometheus and must look for it. And thanks for the network request. Cheers!
I agree about CGI not "making it". The reason is because we are all psychic and we "feel" emotions and energy on conscious and subconscious levels. That is what makes a great actor/actress or performance.. the emotion behind the acting.. emoting the "feeling" of what is happening. CGI can't match that.. it feels flat. Even movement.. rushing real fast.. has a "feeling".. and sometimes they can "create" something like that feeling... like in video games.. but not always.
I know I keep bring up the silents, but that is what started it all.....what about the astounding talent of Lon Chaney Phantom or Hunchback???????
In terms of Tv series which was really a game changer and probably did more to broaden the scope of sf, Star Trek the original series is probably tops! Personally, however, I enjoyed Babylon V. Films, I put Blade Runner near if not at the top...
Geoffrey When I was a kid my father didn't really let us watch T.V. much, but he let us watch StarTrek. I was a extra in "The Wrath of Khan", great thrill !
The First Men on the Moon! Okay, one was a woman. It was hokey, sure, but the moon creatures were very interesting, and the lesson of interference cross species was timeless. Dr. Who, the more recent ones, are great. Years ago, there was an UnDoctor show following the series on PBS, who did a lot of explaining of the science - made it even cooler!
Brazil. but Stargate was a great TV series after a middling film. Enduring characters and of course Micahel Shanks has to be a relation of mine. How many Shanks are there?
My favourite Sci-Fi film has to be Stargate Best series has to follow, I like Stargate SG1 out of all of the Stargate series so far, although it was a difficult choice
Film: Blade Runner (if not for its incredible visual delivery, then because it's Philip K. Dick-sourced). TV series? Going with the re-imagined Battlestar Gallactica.
hey....does anyone want to give kudos to Buster Crabbe???????yeah, it was corny, but still considered sci-fi nonetheless!!!!!!was it Ming who was his nemesis??????????
Best film right now, Inception. No doubt about the best TV was and is Farscape. Inventive, bold, took risks, terrific acting and scripts, Jim Henson puppets and Creature Shop and a wonderful love story with lots of movie-quality FX.
Well pay there are so many great science fiction films id have to go with Alien but for sci-fi/horror Event Horizon Hands down! I really loved The x-files it had a great blend creative and odd writing.
Johanna Buster Crabbe and so many of the old timers where so great but color pace of story and special effects have made them a bit hard to watch more than 20 min's,
I agree with Troy that 2001 A Space Odyssey was a game changer, long before Blade Runner. I have to say, however, that I watch Contact again and again...every time Jodie Foster drops down through The Machine I get goosebumps. First contact has been a mainstay of SF since its beginnings...does anyone remember A for Andromeda on BBC?
Frank wrote The Wizard of OZ in my home town of Holland MI.I lived in a house on a long turning brick road. That was the road he walked and gave Frank the idea of the yellowbrick road. Across the street from the end of the yellow brick road was the original Cris Craft plant.
As much as I want to pick Sunshine or Moon, I have to keep in mind how new those are and that we don't have the perspective of decades yet. So for movies, it would be a toss up between 2001, Alien, and Blade Runner. For TV, Star Trek (give me another couple decades and I'd say Firefly).
That's a Difficult one as there are many great's, Sci fi films I'd say Aliens as it's a great story with many well worked aspects involved including the sets as well as the creatures :)
We're uber biased because we run one of the biggest websites about it and know a lot of the cast personally...but we have to say the rebooted Battlestar Galactica :D
Hm. For me: Film - E.T. Just about the most beautiful film I've seen. The best sci-fi TV Series? - A tie for me: Star Trek: The Next Generation, and Babylon 5.
Best science fiction TV series of all time was Farscape. A love story in a richly character-oriented space opera that was canceled before its time. Best Film for me was a toss up between Avengers Infinity War and Serenity.
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In my mind, the best sci-fi film is Gattaca. it is intelligent, has something to say and retains its humanity throughout. The best sci-fi series, Battlestar Galactica. Pure human drama that just happens to be in a sci-fi setting.
For films, I have to pick 2007's Sunshine. It's overall plot was extremely interesting, and has (in my opinion) one of the greatest scores of all time. and for TV show, I have to agree with you. Battlestar Galactica was indeed a great show. 'nuff said.
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The best film had to be Aliens. Scared the bejeebers out of me. The best series Stargate. There's more but I put these two at the top.
Film - Avatar Series - Star Trek
Film-Hellraiser, TV series-Original Star Trek. But the new Avengers is right near the top and climbing.
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I like Blade Runner W/ Harrison Ford for best film, and Stargate SG1 And Atlantis are a toss up for me for series.
I also really liked the Sarah Conner Chronicles. Really ticked me off when it went belly up without a good bye.
Love Doctor Who. My doctor is David Tennant.
SURVIVORS is an amazing sci-fi UK television show. Check it out on Netflix. I dunno about movies. There are too many to pick from. For now, I'll pick PERFUME. But 20 minutes later, I'll have something else for you.
No, no, the reality show. It has great sci-fi elements to.... just kidding. Yup! The one with Max Beasley. It was PHENOMENAL! I watched it all on Netflix and I DIED when I found out if was cancelled. That's a show I would have loved to write for. I've heard rumors of an American version, but who knows...
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Firefly was phenomenal. Serenity was a great follow-up as well.
Jacqueline, I got a 39th birthday card from Tom Baker. I grew up on Doctor Who, and for a film I would say The Empire Strikes Back
@jacqueline not kidding at all - is a proud possession
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Ah. Yes, best sci-fi film almost definitely has to go to Aliens.
Hey Jacqueline, check this out.
I love Fringe
I love Fringe
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In terms of technical bests, it's hard to beat Firefly; the writing, the acting, the effects, and the fandom are all top-notch (well, some of us are a little horrific). Movie-quality space-western SF on a TV budget. Movie wise, I'll have to go with Neill Blomkamp's District 9. Gritty, verité-style SF, using SF tropes to tell an emotional story (about racism and apartheid), with the narrative guts to cast the alien as the narrative hero (who finds the resolution) and leave the human as the supporting/viewpoint character.
Alien, of course. TV show? Most scifi series take things too seriously or have the same story week after week. I was a big fan of Mystery Science Theatre 3000 when it was on. Hilarious. Nothing better than 50's and 60's scifi B movies...
Best film, 2001: A Space Odyssey. Best TV series, Firefly.
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Best Film is hard to pick, because there are so many good sci-fi movies, but I'd say Back to the Future, it was funny, had good actors, and the Delorean. For tV show I'd say Stargate Sg-1 hands down.
Film: 2001: A Space Odyssey Series: Farscape
We're all here because we love sci-fi. I can't just name one or two. Everytime I see a new post I say yeah, that one too.
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Blade Runner. Love the atmosphere of over-populated filthy world it takes place in and score just takes on a life of its own. TV show? Hard to say but I'm leaning toward the original Twilight Zone.
I have to say best sci-fi series is Star Trek: The Next Generation. Movie: Aliens (NOT the original, but the FIRST sequel.)
Jacqueline, FIREFLY was a sort of space western created by Joss Whedon who also created Buffy the Vampire Slayer. SERENITY was the motion picture conclusion to the storyline after the series was cancelled after only one season. Oh, and MARK, I have a suggestion that I think you might like. Check out a series called FRINGE - I think you might like it.
Love Fringe. My new fav is Grimm.
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Well FRINGE was on Netflix, but now it's not. I was gonna do a FRINGE marathon but now I can't. DAMN YOU, NETFLIX!!!
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I can't believe some of these answers. Yes, JJ Abraham's and Joss Wheaton have come out with some great sci-fi series recently. But we needs to look at all time. Doctor Who has gone from Radio to Movies, now to a big budget TV series. The evidence is in the progress of the series. DOCTOR WHO WINS!
@Laura And we forgot about the 2 spinoff's of it too! Torchwood on the BBC and also the Starz mini series! The Doctor wins hands down for greatest of all time. And if you look at the talent that comes out of there guest staring rolls you see young talent staring in their own shows a few years later.
I was referring to the Doctor Who umbrella of work. It doesn't surprise me. The business is larger than people realize. 1000 of projects are in production at one time on any given day. Even more with YouTube.
Best si-fi movie of all times: STALKER
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@E Thomas Canton... Love Gattaca - Great movie. I was really impressed without the attention to detail in the development of that film. If you look up the historical meanings of the names of characters (Anton, Jerome, Vincent) they really tie in. You can tell it was a movie made with love. My favourite scifi movie (at the moment at least) has to be Moon (a great movie which really plays off the expectations from the genre really well). Sci Fi on TV? I really like Star Trek The Next Generation. I love the fact that it's watchable now, and hasn't dated badly at all - something which is really hard in this genre, especially on TV. It's amazing when you watch it that the series is 25 years old!
@Pigfender Star Trek is probably my number 2 for greatest sci-fi series of all time. I have learned a lot from watching the shows. I can't wait to see the new one! I have seen some BTS stuff already and lets just say WOW! I CANT WAIT!
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It will always be Blade Runner, The Time Tunnel and The Outer Limits (tv series). And, I have an ideea for a NEW DISCUSSION :
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Film: Avatar TV: Game of Thrones :) :) :) :)
@Pigfender (Rog) Just saw Moon. Surprisingly good! Sam Rockwell impressed me. Good choice.
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The original War of the Worlds and The Outer Limits....excellent!
Again. Doctor Who because it's just that good!
We can't forget it started with a radio show!
Dr Who is the best bar none. It was on TV first from 1963 to the 80s Then it started up again a few years ago. But it didnt really die because in the interum it was a radio show and comics. My favorite old run doctor is Tom Baker Of the new run Drs I like Chris Eccelstons look it stood out but I think Matt Smith is great. Of movies Thats hard, star wars perhaps?
I'm a longtime fan of the Doctor, but will give someone else a chance. Best Science fiction movie: Blade Runner. Best science fiction series: Firefly (points for originality).
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Sorry everyone, i must say its the original Star Trek, my dad introduced it to me as he watched it when he was a child, for the time period, it was the best and miles ahead of anything else.
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Speaking of original Star Trek, when I got hooked up with blu-ray and Netflix, I was delighted to find all the episodes available, uncut! Since they were always edited for commercial time, the episodes were seldom seen in their entirety.
oh no!! am so sorry!
Film- RoboCop (since I like cheesy sci-fi movies from the 80s) TV series- the original Star Trek series
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RoboCop is great I grew up in Detroit and lots of wacks at Motown
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I know this may not directly apply, but I had to throw this into the mix. I would come home from school and at 4 p.m. watch DARK SHADOWS!!!!!!!!!!!Loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now THAT brought back some memories, even as a child i loved that show, and still do,,, when the new one came out i was thrilled. Sadly it did not last,,,,
watched everyday with my mom. Dark shadows great campy soap how did it make it to the screen against one life tp live?
There some great character actors in that show Mark......Unfortunately, today that is not appreciated as it was then...........I also remember watching the promos for OUTER LIMITS as the new up N' coming show.......Even the music was gggoooorrryy!!!!!!!!!
Aliens (Movie) and The Twilight Zone (1959-1964, Series).
my partner's uncle, I worked with him on a film "Evil's Of The Night" Neville Brand was in one of mt fav "Outer Limits"
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Firefly/Serenity for certain- Joss Whedon is incredible!
Kristy Swanson was in my film "Flower's In The Attic". She's vert good and a real pro. She just had twins not long ago.
Film: Alien. TV Series: Battlestar Gallactica (the most recent version James Olmos). Runner-up fpr film: The Blob (the original with Steve McQueen scared the hell out of me. I couldn't even go to the bathroom alone as a kid for fear the blob would slide under the door and get me! Runner up for some sci-fi in the series is The Twilight Zone (Rod Serling original series) tied with Dr. Who (with Tom). Honorable mention for the original "War of the Worlds" film.
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The Matrix, The Day The Earth Stood Still (both), Star Trek, Avatar, Dr. Who, District 9, The 13th Floor, The 5th Element...
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The Walking Dead and A Clockwork Orange
Aliens or Star Wars (The Original) and Fringe.
Best scifi shows: Doctor Who and Stargate SG1. Best movie probably Stargate.
Movie? Tie between "Robinson.Crusoe on Mars" or "Serenity". TV? "Lost in Space" or "Fringe"
oh yes, from memory it starred Adam West. I really liked 'Silent Running'
Robinson Crusoe on Mars sounds awful, but for scifi was great . Very old move, astronaut gets stranded on the surfacee of mars with Mona (a monkey in a spacesuit that was supposed to be the test case for a mammal on Mars). There is no wateand the atmosphere is too weak to support life How will he live? And the mothership orbits the planet, swinging tantalizingly close as it passes overhead every day. He's doomed, right? But he survives. Finds a way.
Film: The Fifth Element. So my world. Series: Toss up - Love Star Trek: Enterprise. Given time, Firefly would have beat it. Next are the SG series. Nice topic!
Robinson Crusoe on Mars - 1964. Paul Mantee played the lead with Victor Lundin playing "Friday". Adam West played the monkey. (Just kidding)
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Any one recall The incredible Shrinking Man? Some of those old scifi's made up for great special effects with great cosmic story lines.
Sometimes I think the ability to show so much so realisticaly gets in the way of the story telling ( not always of course just sometimes)
@JC - Yes, I watched and enjoyed The incredible Shrinking Man, The Body Snatchers, The Attack of the 50 Foot Woman many times when they were originally released. Now I feel like I want to change my favorite film to the original King King with Fay Wray. LOL!
Incredible Shrinking Man -- what a desperate ending. Loved Bodysnatchers as well. 2001 still holds up as a great SciFi. TV SciFi: I loved the original Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy (and the RADIO version before it!)
Consider the Dalek it was quite litteraly dezined after a pepper pot. Its weapons look like an egg beater and a plunger. Yet they are the doctors arch ememy.
Looks like it what remains valued is the telling of a good story with which we can connect that engages us. Or perhaps, it touches that something in us that is elusive, just beyond us about which we are curious. We identify in some way.
Valerie, True. It is something in the story that makes us call it scifi. I have forgotten Avengers. A great film, yet I never think of it as scifi but something else. Prometheus is exploring a genesis theory that makes it count as scifi. I did like that film very much. And I suspect I will like the next one even more.
JC, Yes! Avengers with Mr. Steed and diana Rigg. Thanks for bringing it into the "best" conversation. I haven't seen Prometheus and must look for it. And thanks for the network request. Cheers!
Does anyone remember the silent film "The cabinet of Dr. Caligari".????????........
I agree about CGI not "making it". The reason is because we are all psychic and we "feel" emotions and energy on conscious and subconscious levels. That is what makes a great actor/actress or performance.. the emotion behind the acting.. emoting the "feeling" of what is happening. CGI can't match that.. it feels flat. Even movement.. rushing real fast.. has a "feeling".. and sometimes they can "create" something like that feeling... like in video games.. but not always.
Oooo, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. I love that one. And the remake in 1945. The Wicker Wardrobe of Dr. Wang. Classic.
hmmm, don't know that one...Must check it out........glad you acknowledged the good Dr......
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The Fifth Element- Luc Besson at his best. Firefly, although cheap on props, had some of Joss Wheden's best writing and characters.
Film: Metropolis - TV: Twilight Zone I think these were the foundation of so much that came after them.
film: alien tv series: battlestar galactica :)
I know I keep bring up the silents, but that is what started it all.....what about the astounding talent of Lon Chaney Phantom or Hunchback???????
5th Element for film and Doctor Who for TV
Star Wars and the original Star Trek. They were both ground-breaking and I experienced both at that magical age.
Predator for film and Stargate SG1 for tv. Both absolute awesome ideas.
TV: Battlestar. Film: Bladerunner
Bladerunner is really hard to beat. Rutger was really a genius in that part !!!
Yep, Rutger is fantastic as Roy!
Bladerunner is on ScyFy right now. For those who mentioned it. I have to say, I still don't get it.
I forgot Daryl was in it.
Moonbase Alpha. Exceptional Science Fiction television series. Maybe not the best, but highly underated.
JC smoke a joint, you'll get it !!!
That's just what I was thinking.
TV - Farscape, Film - Prototype (Early Nineties Apex type film), just rediscovered my vhs copy, brilliant!
In terms of Tv series which was really a game changer and probably did more to broaden the scope of sf, Star Trek the original series is probably tops! Personally, however, I enjoyed Babylon V. Films, I put Blade Runner near if not at the top...
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Geoffrey When I was a kid my father didn't really let us watch T.V. much, but he let us watch StarTrek. I was a extra in "The Wrath of Khan", great thrill !
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The First Men on the Moon! Okay, one was a woman. It was hokey, sure, but the moon creatures were very interesting, and the lesson of interference cross species was timeless. Dr. Who, the more recent ones, are great. Years ago, there was an UnDoctor show following the series on PBS, who did a lot of explaining of the science - made it even cooler!
Brazil. but Stargate was a great TV series after a middling film. Enduring characters and of course Micahel Shanks has to be a relation of mine. How many Shanks are there?
My favourite Sci-Fi film has to be Stargate Best series has to follow, I like Stargate SG1 out of all of the Stargate series so far, although it was a difficult choice
''Blade Runner'' -film Doctor Who-televison.
Blade Runner and Space 1999.
Film: Blade Runner (if not for its incredible visual delivery, then because it's Philip K. Dick-sourced). TV series? Going with the re-imagined Battlestar Gallactica.
Film: 2001: A Space Odyssey (all subsequent SF films are built upon this film's accomplishments). TV (isn't it obvious?): Star Trek (1966-1969).
I love x-files.
Doctor Who or Falling Skies for TV. Terminator 2 for film.
hey....does anyone want to give kudos to Buster Crabbe???????yeah, it was corny, but still considered sci-fi nonetheless!!!!!!was it Ming who was his nemesis??????????
2001: A Space Odyssey and BSG - so say we all!
I agree with laura Ann though for optinum happyness you'd hae to add the comedy channel and the history channel
Best film right now, Inception. No doubt about the best TV was and is Farscape. Inventive, bold, took risks, terrific acting and scripts, Jim Henson puppets and Creature Shop and a wonderful love story with lots of movie-quality FX.
Well pay there are so many great science fiction films id have to go with Alien but for sci-fi/horror Event Horizon Hands down! I really loved The x-files it had a great blend creative and odd writing.
Bad idea. They have so many new freah idea's and they are going to mess up that perfect story. Idiot's. Like when they remade Logan's Run.
I love Fringe also but it's a bit from a great shpw that you all forgot x files.
Johanna Buster Crabbe and so many of the old timers where so great but color pace of story and special effects have made them a bit hard to watch more than 20 min's,
I agree with Troy that 2001 A Space Odyssey was a game changer, long before Blade Runner. I have to say, however, that I watch Contact again and again...every time Jodie Foster drops down through The Machine I get goosebumps. First contact has been a mainstay of SF since its beginnings...does anyone remember A for Andromeda on BBC?
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Frank wrote The Wizard of OZ in my home town of Holland MI.I lived in a house on a long turning brick road. That was the road he walked and gave Frank the idea of the yellowbrick road. Across the street from the end of the yellow brick road was the original Cris Craft plant.
As much as I want to pick Sunshine or Moon, I have to keep in mind how new those are and that we don't have the perspective of decades yet. So for movies, it would be a toss up between 2001, Alien, and Blade Runner. For TV, Star Trek (give me another couple decades and I'd say Firefly).
i choose Firefly for both categories - i love the story lines, actors, effects - the only downside is that there are not enough of them :-)
I'm sorry Laura you did not answer the question you will be put in a room and subject to reruns of "Here Comes The Brides" for two years sorry
That's a Difficult one as there are many great's, Sci fi films I'd say Aliens as it's a great story with many well worked aspects involved including the sets as well as the creatures :)
Alien for movie and The X-files for tv show.
For TV series, Dr. Who, film Aliens.
Starship Troopers, and Firefly.
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn(Feature Film) Star Trek: The Next Generation.(TV Series) Okay I'll admit it I am a TREKKIE!!!
The best science fiction film-Alien. The best science fiction TV series -Fringe.
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We're uber biased because we run one of the biggest websites about it and know a lot of the cast personally...but we have to say the rebooted Battlestar Galactica :D
Evelien and Dorien give me a Holla if Battlestar Galactica need any ideas, ships,Alien,costumes I'd be happy to Help, great show :D
Hm. For me: Film - E.T. Just about the most beautiful film I've seen. The best sci-fi TV Series? - A tie for me: Star Trek: The Next Generation, and Babylon 5.
Stargate Atlantis because of the action and plot of the overall story.
Best science fiction TV series of all time was Farscape. A love story in a richly character-oriented space opera that was canceled before its time. Best Film for me was a toss up between Avengers Infinity War and Serenity.