Introduce Yourself : Film/Video/Audio Editor-Film Restoration Specialist by Bret Hampton

Bret Hampton

Film/Video/Audio Editor-Film Restoration Specialist

Hi all I've worked on features/trailers/tv series/shorts as editor and also restored classic films for Turner Classic Movies. Looking to work with those who are creative, enjoy new challenges. I studied at American Film Institute (Cinematography) and recently worked with audio professionals on dialog editing, Foley (The Revenant) Let's connect and help each other!

Joelene Wolfe

Hi Bret!

Nelle Nelle

Hi Bret, nice to meet you!

Bret Hampton

Hi everyone. You guys are from all over the US, however JL is local to me. Interested in hearing about her film and what the rest of you are up to. I just finished minor restoration on Pacific 231, the first sound film shown in Russia, and almost done with Children of Divorce, an early silent Gary Cooper film.

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