Introduce Yourself : Lucky U Ranch by Ginia Desmond

Ginia Desmond

Lucky U Ranch

I think I've introduced myself before, but that was before we completed my feature film, Lucky U Ranch. What a journey! This month is festival month for Lucky U, nearly two weeks at the Phoenix film Festival, and now the Arizona International Film Fest in Tucson, where I live. Lucky U is a coming of age, period piece taking place in 1953. No one is lucky and it's no ranch. We are getting much positive feedback and wonderful reviews. Very happy. The film fest in Phx was actually in Scottsdale, AZ, the long ago home of the Lucky U Ranch trailer park my parents owned. So it was fun having our premier there with many high school friends attending. My next project is Live from the Boondocks, which takes place in Tucson. The Boondocks Lounge is the focal point, with John Coinman and Anna Warr staring.

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Awesome! Congrats and good luck at the festivals. I'm glad you're working on setting up the next project already while this one is in the festivals. It's good to have something in all stages, I bet you're writing non-stop as well. Cheers, Tomasz

Ginia Desmond

Nice to hear from you. I do write a lot, several things going...and I just optioned a script today (5th time) to a CA guy. I'm having fun! I have a dramady L.A. story about a 40 something woman in a mid life crisis I'd love to see someone read. For some reason, and I don't know her, but I met her, I see Catherine Hardwicke directing. It's edgy in a funny way. Is it okay to say stuff like this on Stage 32? What are you up to in addition to Stage 32 stuff?

Tomasz Mieczkowski

I feel that maybe you wrote that dramady story with Catherine in mind after meeting her. :) I just watched Miss you already, from your description that IS right up her alley. I'm a web developer by day and by night... I'm also a web developer. :) I help actors and filmmakers build their online presence. Once things settle down, I'd love to commit myself to writing, but at this time I love what I do, creating and helping others, so as they say it back east, if it ain't broke...

Ginia Desmond

Actually, I met her in '93 at my import company (I had for 26 years!). She was the production designer for Tombstone (w/ Val Kilmer), and Tank Girls (my daughter was in that). Directing came later for her. I was years away from screenwriting, although I'd already written the short story Lucky U Ranch is based on. I recently met the producer of Tombstone who lives near here in Patagonia and he reminded me of her name. He also just read Very Bad Timing, the script I once again optioned over the weekend, and had fabulous things to say...including getting the Coen brothers team on board, it's right up their ally. I wrote Gemini Rising with my daughter in mind...way too much of it is her story, and when she failed an audition to be a dinosaur (after years as a NYC ballet dancer, and later a stripper in high dollar clubs) I went to FADE IN! I didn't know Catherine had directed such things as Twilight and Red Riding Hood, but she produced and directed Thirteen, a very dark tale. She just seems a good choice. Thanks for getting back.

J Medina

Good luck! Knock 'em dead on the festival circuit!

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