Hi, I’m David, an author, bit part actor, ghost writer and also help run the family restaurant. Regarding my books, I’m particularly passionate about adapting my crime thriller trilogy for TV. Pilot and Pitch Deck complete. Cast interested and a potential sizzler in the making. Judging by the hundreds of reviews on my blog, (under 5k page views to reach one million https://davidpperlmutter.blogspot.com/2020/08/read-first-three-chapters-...), readers would love to see a TV series. Fingers crossed. Make it happen. Good luck everyone ✍
Great to see you at IYW, David P Perlmutter. How's it going?
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Hey Maurice Vaughan I’m good thanks. Busy writing and putting in shifts at work, going to try and be more productive on here. You good?
You're welcome, David P Perlmutter. I'm doing great. Thanks for asking. I'm staying busy with projects and networking. What type of restaurant does your family own?
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Sounds great Maurice Vaughan keep going. It’s a restaurant in a theatre and we are open everyday for lunch and also the bar is open for shows in the evening. Plus we run another venue for parties. But it’s good hours for me to write which I’ve been doing daily. Have a fantastic and productive week.
I'll keep going, David P Perlmutter. Likewise. Your family's restaurant sounds great! Have a fantastic and productive week too. I'll probably run into you this week.
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I’m sure you will. Keep pushing Maurice Vaughan