Introduce Yourself : High There! by Doug Kayne

Doug Kayne

High There!

So, some people have said that my last few Introduce Yourself post themes have a been a bit too difficult to figure out. To be BLUNT, it seems like a WASTED opportunity, if you ask me, but I digress. So, I've made this one a little easier. As always, five points to anyone who can figure it out without Googling...

HIGH! My name is Doug Kayne, and I'm a comedian, writer, actor, teacher, and all-around smart-ass. I've been doing improv comedy FOR TWENTY -- no, thirty-two -- years, now. Can't believe I didn't remember how long, exactly...I'm such a DOPE. Currently, I'm a member of Those Four Misfits ( Our next live show is on Friday, May 3. It's a pre-Star Wars Day show, so if you want to wear a Star Wars shirt, or dress like your favorite comics character (my favorite was last year, someone dressed as MARY JANE Watson, bringing along a Spider-Man plush), then that would be cool!

Currently, I'm working on a few projects. My sci-fi comedy series, Going Commander (written with Jane Hopkins) is ready to pitch to interested parties. It's pretty high-budget, LOADED with aliens and special effects, otherwise I'd be trying to raise funds to film it myself. Considering the number of things we BLOW up in it, it makes sense. BUZZ fro people who have read it has been positive, and WEED love to be able to share it with you by having it be on a streaming service somewhere.

I'm a member of the Screen Actors Guild and Writers Guild, the latter of which I was able to join after my very first screenplay, Romantic Comedy 101, was produced (airing on E! Entertainment Television back in 2002).

I've been in plays, web series, short films, movies -- and very much look forward to collaborating with really cool, creative people. Feel free to reach out and let me know if there's any way I can help. Not blowing SMOKE, here...

You know, looking back on this post, it's kind of a mess. CAN A BISsel vacuum clean it up?

And, for those who still haven't been able to figure out the theme...I leave you with this sketch from me and Those Four Misfits:

Hint Count: 12
Copyright @2024 Those Four Misfits. All Rights Reserved
Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Doug Kayne. I figured it out. 4/20.

Kristina Van Kirk Hoffman

420 Day! Shout out to Bill Maher.

Doug Kayne

You got it, Maurice Vaughan

Doug Kayne

Not sure about the Bill Maher shout-out, Kristina Van Kirk Hoffman...but other than that, you got it.

Maurice Vaughan

Yes, Doug Kayne! I don't smoke though. I just saw 4/20 on social media earlier today.

Doug Kayne

I don't either, Maurice Vaughan. I'm just naturally this weird.

Maurice Vaughan

Haha Doug Kayne. You are weird. I'm weird too. It helps with telling stories.

Doug Kayne

No lies there, Maurice Vaughan

Niki H

I love your IYW posts, Doug Kayne ! I look forward to puzzling it out every month. The sci-fi series you mention sounds cool - I love comedy and sci-fi together!

Doug Kayne

Thanks, Niki H! I enjoy putting them together (and, it's a perfect way to successfully procrastinate on writing the stuff I should be writing. Hopefully you'll get to see "Going Commander" on a streaming service. And hopefully you'll enjoy it as well. (And, of course, ideally I'd play one of the leads, but I don't want to get TOO greedy right now...) Thanks for the kind words!

Diane Fluin

HIGH five, Doug! Please DO BE a dear and send those five points!

Doug Kayne

Done, Diane Fluin ! The points are in the mail! Would I lie to you?

Diane Fluin

Nah...I'd guessed you'd ROLL with it!

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