Introduce Yourself : Screenwriter by Cheryl Davis

Cheryl Davis


Hello all!!

I'm Cheryl Davis and I'm a new screenwriter. Thrillers are my favorite genre, however I do have Christmas and faith based projects as well. My first feature film is in development and will be shooting this quarter for Tubi that I'm super excited about!!

I have about 15 treatments I'm working on and I pray to get a solo project deal in 2023!

Best of luck to everyone!!

Sharon Angel

Hi Cheryl! Welcome. I'm new here too. Hope your dream comes true in 2023!

Sai Marie (Sarah) Johnson

Hello Cheryl, it sounds like you're busy with creativity!

Dathane Turner

welcome welcome. Good luck! 15 treatments that is a wonderful accomplishment.

Leonardo Ramirez

Cheryl Davis Awesome! And yes, 15 treatments is a grand accomplishment. All the best to you!

Cheryl Davis

Thank you all so much for the encouragement, it is so greatly appreciated!!

Best of luck in 2023 for you all!!

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on your first feature film being in development, Cheryl Davis! I have Tubi, so I'll look out for your film when it comes out. Hope you get a solo project deal in 2023!

Matthew Parvin

Welcome Cheryl! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

Cheryl Davis

@Maurice, thank you so much for the support and encouragement!!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Cheryl Davis. :)

Christopher Thomas

Exciting to hear Cheryl Davis how is development going?

Greg Lyon

Congrats on your Tubi film.

Cheryl Davis

@Christopher, thank you development is going well. This will be a Tubi original so I'm really excited!

Thanks Greg!!!

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