Introduce Yourself : The New Guy by Horatio Lewis Tihanyi

Horatio Lewis Tihanyi

The New Guy

Greetings fellow screenwriters. It's really nice to finally find a community of fellow screenwriters where I can get an education on how all this works. I'm not new to entertainment community as I have been on several tv shows and in bunch of Indy movies. I live in South Florida and auditions dried up quickly after one of our politicians axed tax breaks for the industry. Such is life. You pick up the pieces and move forward. That for me meant trying my hand at writing. Now mind you, I came into acting and screenwriting in my 40's and 50's respectively and I have zero formal training in the latter. Hence my excitement at finding Stage 32.

I have 3 screenplays under my belt. American Dream which is produced short about a drug addicted mom and her young son (On the dark side). American Dream has 4 festival laurels. Then I wrote and self produced Storm Cell. A full feature drama about life in jail starring myself and Lawrence Taylor. One festival acceptance so far. That brings us to my sitcom Krazy Dead. My pride and joy. A comedy about a family owned funeral home business where even the dead come to life and have a good laugh (I really stink at loglines :)). Krazy Dead has been in about 120 film festivals and won about 90 awards (I got addicted to that dopamine hit of winning. :)). It's a comedy along the lines of Barney Miller, Cheers, Shitt's Creek, Fawlty Towers, Married W/Children and some more sitcoms. I spent a lot of time watching tv in the 70's and 80's.

I still haven't figured how the website works but I feel like a kid Christmas morning going "I wonder what happens if I click this tab or that?". If any would like to offer any kind of advice I'd greatly appreciate it. No matter how insignificant the advice might be, chances are I don't know it. Like I said, I'm a newbie.

Thanks for reading this post and hope everyone has a healthy and happy day. Never give up, never surrender!!!

Horatio Tihanyi - Managing Partner/Agent at Giant T Productions, LLC

Phone: (917) 359-6990



Youtube Channel: Giant T Productions, LLC

IMDb, Linkedin, Facebook, FilmFreeway: Horatio Tihanyi

IG: Horatio_Ironbar

Maurice Vaughan

It's great to meet you, Horatio Lewis Tihanyi. Congratulations on your accomplishments!

"Never give up, never surrender!!!" That sounds like a line from a Historical, War, or Action movie.

Here's a blog that'll help you navigate Stage 32:

Mark Deuce

Great to meet you!! And your accomplishments are amazing.

Horatio Lewis Tihanyi

Thank you for the warm greeting Maurice. I use that quote as more of a battle cry and motivational inspiration due to all the rejection I have endured. But I know this is part of being a screenwriter or actor. I don't care how many times I get rejected, I will never stop pushing because I believe in myself and my sitcom Krazy Dead.

Thanks for the link too. Hitting that right now to learn. I have to put a written pitch together for someone on this website and I have no idea on how to format it so this link came right on cue. Next up is figuring out how to do video pitches. I have been blessed with the gift of gab so video pitching is my strong suite.

Thanks again Maurice for taking the time to help me .

Horatio Lewis Tihanyi

Thank you Mark Deuce for the welcoming message. It means a lot for someone to take time out of their day to show a little kindness. As my girlfriend once told me when she saw in my birthday suite: "It's the little things in life you have to be grateful for". Thank you again :))

Sandra Isabel Correia

Hi Horatio Lewis Tihanyi and welcome to our filmmaking community! I see you are in the Writers Room, so you have many benefits! You have AMA ( Ask Me Anything) with professionals where you can make questions, you have live webcasts, pitch thank and many advantages! Most important is to networking, reply others posts and also support each other! Welcome :))

Ed McDonald


Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Horatio Lewis Tihanyi. I think I'm gonna make a picture with that quote and set it as my laptop background.

Krazy Dead is a catchy title.

Stage 32 has two written pitch examples. One for a movie and one for a show. You can email to get them, or I can email them to you (just message me your email).

Here's a free webinar on pitching:

The best resource for live pitching is the Pitch Practice in my opinion. Pitch Practice is every Thursday night in the Writers' Room, at 5:30 P.M. PST/8:30 P.M. EST. You can sit in and listen to members practice their projects and give them feedback. You can pitch your project too, but you have to sign up. The hosts, Noel Thompson and John Mezes, take names during Pitch Practice for people to pitch the following week. You have to sit in and listen at the practice one or two times before you can pitch.

Horatio Lewis Tihanyi

Thanks again Maurice! I read about the Pitch Practice on Thursday's and will definitely be there. To be honest, I will gladly present my pitch and welcome all the pointers, advice and criticism given. I hear to learn and not be sensitive if someone critiques my work. That's how I will learn. But at the same time I am woefully underqualified to critique anyone's work. What I do know how is to be supportive and encouraging.

I'm a NYer and all I know is survival. Never give up, never surrender is one of my main philosophies. My other philosophy is "Life isn't a spectator sport, so get your ass in the game Horatio". When I'm feeling less than motivated.

I sent a message to already. Again, thank you for your kindness my friend. It's so refreshing to read your helpful messages instead of "Thank you. Next!" :))

Checking out the education link you sent right now.

post scritum - How do I make the names of people blue like I see on these posts?

Horatio Lewis Tihanyi

Sandra Isabel Correia, thank you for the wonderful message. It's feels really nice to be embraced by the Stage 32 community. I'd like to ask about the AMA you mentioned. I assume this is a tab on the website? I can't locate it. Or have I missed read it (of which I have a history of repeatedly doing :)) or do you mean I can ask you anything? Because I got a barrel full of questions. Thank you again Sandra. Love Stage 32!!!

Horatio Lewis Tihanyi

Ed McDonald, thanks for the greeting my friend. Love Stage 32!!!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Horatio Lewis Tihanyi. I think the Pitch Practice this week is Happy Hour. If it is Happy Hour, there won't be any pitching, but it's a great chance to hang out with other WR members and get to know each other.

You can tag someone in blue by putting @ in front of their name.

Sandra Isabel Correia

Hey Horatio Lewis Tihanyi ! You are welcome to ask :) In this link, you can see the last AMA we had at The Writers' Room and this Friday, we'll have a new one as I shared with you. I hope this helps :)

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