We all frequently introduce ourselves (and RE-introduce ourselves) based on what we do in the industry, what we want to achieve, etc.
But that's not all we're all about, right?! We all have hobbies and other interests? Maybe it's some sport your play or some organization you donate your time to.
So? What do you do for fun? (and it CAN NOT be something related to the industry - no "watching movies", "writing TV", etc.)
Here's my answers:
1) PLAY CHESS. I've been a chess player since the age of 12. Many tournaments. I've won a bunch of prizes. I've been a chess coach. I used to write a chess blog. I've sadly plateued long ago, but I still love to play whenever I can (OFTEN online, occasionally in person at tournaments).
2) READ. I read novels, comic books, self-help books, screenplays, magazines, and more. Sadly, I'm a very slooooooooooooooooow reader. I have a "want to read" list that's thousands of titles long, and I know I'll never get even close to finishing them all.
3) EAT. I'm a total foodie. Love to try new restaurants. Love to try new recipes. I love to eat.
4) BUG MY WIFE. I love to spend time with my wife whenever possible, no matter what that may entail.
5) PLAY GAMES. This kindof goes with chess, but my love of chess puts it in its own category. I also love to play board games and card games. I have a huge fondness of the Ascension deckbuilding game, but euro games and other card games are fun too. I USED to belong to a gaming group, but it's been a while since I've had people to play with.
6) COLLECT SUPERMAN. I have a massive collection. Thousands of pieces. Sadly, I've run out of space for more until I can afford a larger place... but that may be quite some time away.
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I mainly watch movies, shows, sports, and funny videos for fun, Travis Seppala. I also play mobile games and listen to music for fun.
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1) Hiking
2) Film Photography. I have vintage medium format cameras, just finding time to use them.
3) Woodworking. I enjoy building furnutre from reclaimed wood.
4) Riding my e-bike.
Travis Seppala what games are you into? I tried to get my son into board games, but he said it was lame, lol. So they are collecting dust.
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Maurice Vaughan I literally said "and it CAN NOT be something related to the industry - no "watching movies", "writing TV", etc." and you immediately break the rule as the first person to post by saying watching movies and shows. Sheesh. Can't take you anywhere! lol
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Haha Travis Seppala. I know you said that, but that's what I mainly do for fun.
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Mike Childress I used to do martial arts as a kid. I used to do a LOT of sports as a kid, despite having been a fat kid my whole life (I don't know HOW my metabolism was so slow as to keep me fat when I was doing baseball, basketball, hockey, karate, tennis, kickboxing, track, soccer, dance... but whatever). I don't do much exercise at all anymore. I need to.
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Stephen Folker Games I enjoy (and this is by no means an exhaustive list):
Star Realms
DC Deckbuilding Game
Ticket to Ride
Settlers of Catan
Sentinels of the Multiverse
Legendary Deckbuilding Game (I have the Buffy one, but I also like the Marvel ones, and any others)
Uno (any version)
7 Wonders
and I can keep going. The only game my wife is really into to play with me are word games (bananagrams, scrabble, etc.) but - despite being a writer - I'm terrible at them! lol
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I’m a big sports fan. Football at any level (I support a team that played Ryan Reynolds’ Wrexham before the money arrived), rugby, Formula 1 and hockey. I also enjoy jigsaw puzzles and word games to keep the mind active.
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Travis Seppala nice one, Travis.
Mine is a love of reading books, on various subjects: Quantum Realities, Eastern Spirituality, arcane collections like the Pseudepigrapha and mystical writers.
I have two grandsons and I spending time with them and love playing games too. Ones that the eldest has made up, where he dictates the rules and changes them if I win too much! my favourite is ‘Find the Dinosaurs’.
Each working day there’s an exercise regimen, plus a walking distance target, but I take the weekend off for good behaviour! ;-)
Then there’s my love of finding a good whisky: Swedish, Japanese and of course Scottish, as well as this I have a taste for dark ales and micro-brewery beers.
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Haha that's a great point! Well, as others, indeed a little bit of sport each day to stay away from the screen :) I enjoy walks and spending time in nature too, it's invigorating
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@Mike Childress Since you wrote that comment, Chelsea have signed 4 players.
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... Yes, I play chess online very badly! PS, love bad boy Hans Niemann, sue me for it!
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Rutger Oosterhoff Do you play on Chess.com? Or ICC? Or somewhere else? What's your rating? And what's your username (if it's on chess.com) so I can friend and play you!
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I garden, play in my flowers, maintain my lawn, and walk most everyday when the weather is good.
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I am a competition ballroom dancer, and I have lessons and training three times a week, especially when preparing for competition. I do a lot of walking and hiking whenever I can. I read voraciously, anything and everything, I knit for family and friends, and I do jigsaws for a different way to exercise my brain.
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Yes, but not on a level that would be interesting to play you, trust me!!
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Ingrid Wren I read often, but sadly my reading speed is impossibly slow. It takes me anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks per novel. :( My wife, on the other hand, literally reads a novel a day!
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Rutger Oosterhoff All chess is intersting and fun to play. But to have a looksie, my ratings right now on Chess.com's app are:
1118 for long games
1042 for rapid (10 min) games
832 for blitz (under 5 min) games
692 for bullet (1 min) games.
My official USCF rating for over-the-board tournaments (as in, in person) is 1204
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I'm all in on #4.
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Photography, painting, campaigning for equal human rights, and sometimes play retro videogames.
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This post made me smile, Travis! I love all of your answers. I love take photos, paint, draw, various DIY home projects usually centered around reusing into something, times in nature grounding, reading, hanging out with friends, meditating reading !
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Board games too if its the winter, and cooking!
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Stefano Pavone I recently (well, I guess almost 6 months ago at this point) bought a device that is basically a thumb drive that you plug into your TV and there are 2 wireless controllers, and it lets me play oldschool games (Nintendo, Sega, Atari, etc.) with like 40,000 games on it! I almost never play video games, but I've found playing these games I was adicted to as a child to be far more entertaining than PS3.
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Sydney S I enjoy painting but a) never seem to find time to do it and b) I'm pretty bad at it. I'd love to try to SELL the paintings I've done (because they're just taking up space in drawers that could be used for other things) but I doubt anyone would buy them even if I priced them at like $5 each (to recoup my supplies).
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Mike Childress I USED to play video games like crazy. As a young child, I was straight up addicted to Mario to the point my parents would often hide my system and bring it back on Saturdays for me.
Then in college, I got into PS2 games -- mostly WWE (WWF still?) and DBZ games (plus SSX Tricky and Bloodrayne).
in 2011 when I moved out on my own, I got a PS3 and played that a bunch, often renting games from gamefly.
But now-a-days, with a backward compatible PS3 (with both PS3 and PS2 games on the shelf) and that oldschool game system I mentioned, I still only play for maybe 2-4 hours A YEAR. It just doesn't hold the thrill for me anymore to be an adequate time suck (to use your own vernacular).
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I love hiking and exploring
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I'm usually either reading (often about the production of certain films or franchises such as Halloween or Scream, as well as detective novels), running/weight lifting (love running around the California beaches in particular), and exploring the entertainment sites such as deadline so I can find out any interesting news upcoming films or tv shows.
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I powerlift, used to do Jiu-Jitsu and box...
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Fix private jets
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I forgot to mention! I don't watch much television and have a book by my side when things get dull. I guess by reading a lot a person enters places where you wouldn't be able to learn otherwise. A book is a true companion.
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Samuel Lebow If anyone ever sees me running, they need to do the same because something scary is on the way! lol
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Haha Travis Seppala!
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In my life, watching my music friends perform and learn from them. In film / film music world, it’s constant learning and doing - … Fun … what’s that ? ;-). KK
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I've been called many things in life, but "Pop" is the one I cherish most. So I spend time with my grandkids and going to events they are involved in. My grand daughter is the captain of the cheer team and my youngest plays little league. Love going to the ball games and taking Rosie ( my pup). One of life's greatest joys.