Introduce Yourself : Writer/Director/Producer/Script Supervisor by Julia Beney

Julia Beney

Writer/Director/Producer/Script Supervisor

Hello Everyone!

My name is Julia, I am new to Stage 32 - it's lovely to meet you all!

I am an emerging writer-director based in Toronto (Canada) and a big science-fiction/

fantasy/adventure/anime fan :)

I have written, directed and produced a feature film and a short film, and am currently writing two features - one of which reached the Semi-Finalist stage in the ScreenCraft Sci-Fi & Fantasy Script Competition (2021). When not writing/making my own films, I work in the Toronto indie scene, most recently as a Script Supervisor.

I look forward to connecting with you all!

You can check out my IMDb here if you'd like:

Please take and stay safe everyone!

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Julia Beney. How are you? I write Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Adventure. I like the title "A Girl, A Boy, A Penny and a Very, Very, Very Long Road." It's one of the most unique titles I've seen.

Paul French

Hi, Julia, great to see someone else from the "six" here.

Julia Beney

Thank you Maurice! And hello Paul, amazing to see someone from Hollywood North :)

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Julia Beney.

Solange Plaza

Nice to meet you Julia!

Gary Jeanty

Hi, there my name is Gary Jeanty. I am from Miami, Florida. I am a Titanic Historian. After a few years with this incredible idea, I finally put this fantastic romantic story together on the maiden voyage on the Titanic. I am looking to collaborate with people from all walks of life with unique skills and positions to help me with my project. I am open to what you can bring to the table.

The Ship of Dreams is an epic romantic story about a Haitian and French ex-convict named Joseph Pierre. He was sent to prison for drunk driving; as a result, his father dies, and his sister is bound in a wheelchair. Joseph, a Black & Haitian convicted ex-con, found God, forgiveness, and hope during his time in prison. Joseph is an example of going thru hurt, loss, discrimination in his time in prison. After being released early from prison. He forms a strong relationship with his sister Tabatha. She loves her big brother. Tabatha tells Joseph a revelation from God that she is going to walk again. Despite a relationship with his mother, Joseph endures hate, judgment, and ridicule from her.

In this beautiful faith-based film of love, hope, and forgiveness, Tabatha befriends a physical therapist, but the one who can help her resides in Belfast. However, against her mother's wishes, Tabatha makes a trip to Belfast, Ireland, with her brother Joseph. In this beautiful story of hope, a woman living most of her life in a wheelchair once believed she would never walk again and thinks she would never find true love. Edward Goldmann, a Jewish & one of the Top Doctors in Ireland, is smitten over Tabatha. Joseph, an over-protected brother, must now endure his trip back to Haiti without his sister as she stays in Ireland to further her recovery. Now Joseph, with God's help, has to return home to a mother who hasn't spoken to him in years because of his past sins. The Ship of Dream is a story that will have you experience through these characters hope, forgiveness, love, faith, and lots of emotions. The best thing about this all this will boil down on the maiden voyage of the R.M.S. Titanic, the largest moving object ever built.

Claire Arena

Hi Julia, I'd love to connect with you! I am also from Toronto, and I recently pitched something along that kind of genre (still waiting for a response hehe). I would love to help out with music composition as well! You may view my portfolio at my website at

Shawna Khorasani

Nice to meet you Julia, is there anywhere I can watch your work? I'm in California and have been curious for so long what the Toronto film scene is like! Maybe we can connect sometime :)

Lisann Valentin

Welcome, welcome, welcome! Happy to have you here!

Julia Beney

Hi Gary Jeanty! Thank you for sharing your story, I wish you the best of luck bringing it to life :)

John MacNeil

Hello fellow Canadian! Good luck with everything.

Julia Beney

Claire Arena Hey!!! More Torontonians! Love it :D

Congrats on the pitch! I hope you hear back soon with good news. And thanks! I checked out your music - you are so talented, will definitely keep you in mind if I (or any of my film friends!) need music :)

Julia Beney

@Shawna Khorasani Nice to meet you as well! We are definitely more indie-film oriented up here haha

And yeah, my feature film should be available on Amazon Prime in the US, as well as Tubi. Here's a link to our main page where you can see all the platforms our film is on (just scroll down):

My short film just finished its festival circuit (we're working on distribution now) but you can watch the trailer here:

I hope you enjoy them!!!

Julia Beney

Hi @Adam Sturkenboom - lovely to meet you! And thank you! Hopefully we can release it soon :)

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