Screenplay development involves several key aspects:
1.Concept and Premise
2. Characters
3. Plot Structure:
4. Dialogue
5. Pacing
6.Visual Storytelling
7. Theme
8. Formatting
9. Rewriting
Each of these elements contributes to creating a screenplay that is engaging, coherent, and ready for production.
Feel free to share, which one you struggle with the most, regardless of skill level.
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I struggle with dialogue sometimes, Mario Leone, but two things that help me with writing dialogue are knowing the characters' personalities well and picturing the characters talking.
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i struggle with everythinggggg!!!! i still write my ass off tho lol (:
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I'm not struggling per se, but learning the formatting nuances from play writing to screenwriting and my decades long habit which now don't translate! For instance, when using ALL CAPS in stage plays its to stress the word, and I did this in a film script and someone told me it meant "singing." huh
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I don't think I struggle with any of it... I just HATE doing rewrites, because I've never been fond of reading (or watching) something more than once. So I get sick of my own scripts and don't wanna keep reading them anymore and just go "Meh! Good enough!"
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Mike Childress you know what I think... that we just get the basics in (margins for example, font) and then organically and authentically write. Yeah, I had never heard that cap thing either.
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Mike Childress Just a heads up -- putting sound effects and props and things in ALL CAPS is considered by many (myself included) to be an outdated formatting thing that should no longer be in spec scripts (although, admittedly, they often get added back in for shooting scripts so departments heads know what they need at a glance). When giving notes to writers, I always redflag these instances, and when judging scripts for contests I give this a reduction in points in the formatting section -- and I know I'm FAR from being the only reader/judge who does so.
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Mike Childress OH! You're referring to Onomatopoeia (BANG! THUD! etc). I was talking about things like the PHONE RINGS or the ENGINE ROARS (which is what I thought you were referring to).
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Don’t struggle with writing per sae, though plot can take a while depending on story & re writes can be riddled with choice/indecision I enjoy the ride. However regards format I sometimes stumble on “technical” glitches to do with varying types of software.
Notice in thread list 1,2,3 is plot, concept, characters. The Holy Trinity! Agree with order of importance & kinda think of them as the bones.. In the past I’d a problem with dialogue in that I wrote too much having come from a theatrical background. That slowly changed over the years. I’m currently doing a fun challenge to write a non dialogue short.
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PS Guess I’m No 8 on list!