Producing : Doubts of a priest. How to make non-commercial films? by Ricardo Javier Campoli

Ricardo Javier Campoli

Doubts of a priest. How to make non-commercial films?

Dear friends, I will be as brief as possible. First of all, I am a religious, a member of the Salesians of Don Bosco Congregation and I am also a priest. I have a degree in Audiovisual Production and Realization and I made my opera prima in 2019 and that is free on YouTube.

 My concern is as follows and I list it:

1. I would like to produce cinema without including it in commercial circuits.

2. To do so, I must have an investment that can NOT be offered or given to me by the religious institution to which I belong.

3.I have a captive audience of more than 7 million people (members of the congregation, friends and adherents to the charism) who would be interested in the stories I have to tell.

4. how to do? 

Where to start? 

Is Crowdfunding the only solution? 

Is it possible, beyond the legal issues, to create a “temporary” company?

How to make a non-commercial cinema, free of charge, that allows to escape from the continuous payment for the use of the image of actors and technicians, and at the same time that is licit or legal?

Thank you for your comments. I am also waiting for the comment of our dear founder, Richard Botto.

Craig Prickett

Ricardo there is a number of Christian arts trusts that may be a possible funding oportunity for you.For example The Passion Trust,The Christian Arts Trust etc etc.I'd start looking into as many of these as I could to start.Best of luck.

Ricardo Javier Campoli

Thank you so much Graig! This information is truly helpful. God bless you.

Craig Prickett

Father if you'd like to message me I've got a couple of ideas that might be useful to you.

Ricardo Javier Campoli

Great idea! Thanks! I'll be sending some thoughts on this privately.

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