"If you spend too Much Time Thinking about a Thing, You'll Never Get it Done - Bruce Lee The Art of Combat Like Life, React through Preparation - Henry
RB- The disease is also known by her maiden name,Paralysis by Analysis, it is the fire of our "WILL" that determine How strong the iron chains are that holds us captive. Its like Finger Pointing away to the Moon, don't concentrate on the finger, or you will Miss all that heavenly glory - Bruce Lee There are Four Boats on the Pier, One Wind, they move in four different directions, its how you set your sails, How will you set your sails ?
The Value Of A Man Resides In What He Gives... And Not In What He Is Capable Of Receiving. In Life There Are Good And Bad Challenges, But Challenges Are What Makes Life Interesting... Overcoming Them Is What Makes Life Meaningful. To Get Through The Hardest Journey We Need Take Only One Step At A Time... But We Must Keep On Stepping. ~ Kevin Mattson
My Motivation Derives from Knowing that I have Strong Support from A Loving Family and Friends that Care and Need me... Just As Much As I Need Them. ~ Kevin Mattson
Hi Richard, I too have a great family and it is lovely knowing you are loved. If you have any children in your family please tell them about my new childrens series of books coming out at the end of June this year in America by Alpha Wolf Publishings. The first book in June is about a little girl and her Granny Ann as well as Poppy the troll who lives with Granny Ann as she is really a caring witch. A All go on an adventure to save a ghost child from a evil witch. There is magical creatures and a whole lot more in the series. Mary Sumeridge Beginnings is the first book in the series. Mary Finds a treasure like no other at the end of the first book. So any help at telling any children about it will be great. You can see Poppy fly if you go to the weg page. http://maryfilmer.com/ and while you are there if you have time could you like my author page on face book as there is a link to it from the web page. Poppy and Willy the seagull are animated by Bill Smith. It really is good. Mary Filmer author
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I love that quote man.
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So true RB (and Bruce)
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A great way to remember The Little Dragon.
I'm gonna kick your ____ ____ you ____ -Christian Bale. Serves as a reminder, no matter what the budget, tempers are vital to take into account.
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"If you spend too Much Time Thinking about a Thing, You'll Never Get it Done - Bruce Lee The Art of Combat Like Life, React through Preparation - Henry
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Love the philosophy of life Henry, prepare and take action. It is one of the keys to success.
Great post, Henry. A reminder that procrastination is a disease...
Now this is inspirational. For those of you who haven't seen it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0lm4esN6do
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RB- The disease is also known by her maiden name,Paralysis by Analysis, it is the fire of our "WILL" that determine How strong the iron chains are that holds us captive. Its like Finger Pointing away to the Moon, don't concentrate on the finger, or you will Miss all that heavenly glory - Bruce Lee There are Four Boats on the Pier, One Wind, they move in four different directions, its how you set your sails, How will you set your sails ?
Admire your perspective, Henry. Inspirational as all hell.
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There's a lot of things I think. lol
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I am an actress, I am a celebrity, I am a Goddess, I am all that he says I am...Thanks "RB" I feel better
Happy to help, Tameka...
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The Value Of A Man Resides In What He Gives... And Not In What He Is Capable Of Receiving. In Life There Are Good And Bad Challenges, But Challenges Are What Makes Life Interesting... Overcoming Them Is What Makes Life Meaningful. To Get Through The Hardest Journey We Need Take Only One Step At A Time... But We Must Keep On Stepping. ~ Kevin Mattson
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My Motivation Derives from Knowing that I have Strong Support from A Loving Family and Friends that Care and Need me... Just As Much As I Need Them. ~ Kevin Mattson
Not really an inspirational quote; but important none the less, is knowing when to walk.
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Hi Richard, I too have a great family and it is lovely knowing you are loved. If you have any children in your family please tell them about my new childrens series of books coming out at the end of June this year in America by Alpha Wolf Publishings. The first book in June is about a little girl and her Granny Ann as well as Poppy the troll who lives with Granny Ann as she is really a caring witch. A All go on an adventure to save a ghost child from a evil witch. There is magical creatures and a whole lot more in the series. Mary Sumeridge Beginnings is the first book in the series. Mary Finds a treasure like no other at the end of the first book. So any help at telling any children about it will be great. You can see Poppy fly if you go to the weg page. http://maryfilmer.com/ and while you are there if you have time could you like my author page on face book as there is a link to it from the web page. Poppy and Willy the seagull are animated by Bill Smith. It really is good. Mary Filmer author