Screenwriting : 2015 Park City TRMS Competition by Marian Cheatham

Marian Cheatham

2015 Park City TRMS Competition

My screenplay, Eastland, made it to the semi-finals in the 2015 Park City (Utah) Table Read My Screenplay competition. The Grand Prize winner and finalists were announced today and although I didn't make the cut, I'm nonetheless thrilled to have been chosen as a semi-finalist. Many thanks to the Park City judges for making my year!!

Helena Ellison

Exciting nevertheless, congrats!

Diana Murdock

Be proud!! applauds

Anthony Cawood


Tony Cella

Congrats. What is the script about?

Marian Cheatham

Thank you all for the lovely words of encouragement! They are greatly appreciated.

Marian Cheatham

Tony, Eastland is a historical drama based on the real-life events of the 1915 Eastland boat disaster in Chicago. The steamer SS Eastland was leased by the Western Electric Company for its annual picnic. Loaded with 2500 happy picnickers, the boat capsized in the Chicago River while still tethered to the dock, killing 844 men, women, and children. Nearly 500 Western Electric employees died in an instant. In July, Chicago will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the tragedy.

Tony Cella

I lived in Chicago for awhile remember seeing an exhibit about the Eastland at the Chicago Historical Society. The story deserves more attention than it received. Good luck with the script.

Marian Cheatham

Thank you, Tony. The Eastland is a great story. Hope it gets told someday.

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