Interesting debate on Twiiter about this new service for writers. It offers $500 for notes and a few thousand dollars for development retainers! There are some other offerings included with the price, but it raises an issue around whether services like this charge for false hope. Thoughts?
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$5K for services ... LOL. What's next - they want us to pay for their trips to the Bahamas? Oh wait...up...same people. BOOM! Just another example of the Predatory Practices that some use to take advantage of budding writers.
BTW Kamala you are right...they are getting destroyed on Twitter right now.
That's nothing new. The top of the line consultants have been charging that amount for a few years now
I wonder who pays for these services. Why pay all that for consulting? Can't one DIY?
I suppose ... If I had $1mill.
You don't need to go to film school to learn or know how to write. Kamala, a script consultant may or may not be worth it--be careful about who you select if you go that route. There are some charlatans out there. On the other hand, there are some thoughtful ones, too. Caveat emptor.
lol, anyone that would seriously consider this is a buffoon. I went to twitter to see what they were saying but can't find anything. What's the hashtag under? Even if I had 10 million dollars I wouldn't consider it. I swear the prices for these "services" for screenwriters are a joke. I'm talking about the other ones too that try and get hundreds of dollars out of you just to talk about a script. And I think it's odd that we have taken it as the norm to pay that much. "$199 for feedback and a conversation with so and so" -- No thank you, unless I know your name without having to IMDB it. Lol, who do they think they are? Who do they think WE are to dish out that kind of cash? If we don't sell our script, do we get a refund?
Check the twitter feed for @screencrafting
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Initially, it just doesn't seem necessary to me to shell out $$$ to do what can be self-taught. Are they really doing something for you or telling you anything that you don't already know or can't learn on your own?
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I'm sure they can give you some useful insights that we probably don't know since we're not in the business, but I think the advise would be worth a "thanks for that, let me buy you dinner sometime" or a thank you card with a fruit basket. Not $200 of my money...
As a development executive, I have done this type of work for screenwriters many times. If you can find someone who knows what they are doing (and is willing to read your screenplay), the service can help you take your work to the next level. Reading a screenplay and crafting thoughtful development notes takes a great deal of time and energy and experience...and for that the person providing the service should be compensated.