I wrote a project recently, which is about vampires and werewolves. Do you believe that this genre of monsters is saturated? I act on the principle of telling good stories, without abusing special effects. I'm thinking of investing in this project, because I have fifty pages written.
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I believe you should write whatever ignites that interest in you. Don't worry about how saturated the subject matter is, there is only ONE you and only you can write your story.
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It may be hard to get initial traction in a saturated genre. But great stories get purchased and made.
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Hey Thiago, It is not saturated if it is a new clever take on them. I think we should always remember that whatever our characters are... ROBOTS, ALIENS, ZOMBIES, VAMPIRES, GODS, or WEREWOLVES... it all boils down to one thing... Emotions. If people don't connect to them as a character and their emotions... it is a losing cause. We are all telling the same stories but with variations of the current generation and thought process...