Screenwriting : Calling aspiring screenwriters - critique group? by Doug Nelson

Doug Nelson

Calling aspiring screenwriters - critique group?

Is anybody interested in putting together our own small screenwriting critique and help group? Here's what I have in mind: A small group (4 or 5) serious aspiring writers willing to share with, and learn from each other by exchanging scenes & pages. We brainstorm our scenes/stories as a group to help each other to further develop our scripts and polish them into marketable condition. I'm willing to lead this group to begin with but let it evolve. To be successful there must some basic understanding: Any & all critique is of the writing only (no snarky people), we need to share willingly and freely (no paranoid people) and we work together for the benefit of each and all (egos checked at the door). Let's hear your comments.

Al Hibbert

I would be interested, Doug.

Lord Graham C Jones

That sounds interesting Doug

Doug Nelson

Al, “would be” suggests to me that you have some preconditions. What might those be? I'm looking for folk who are committed to the art/craft of screenwriting...hands on participants.

Doug Nelson

Mariano & Lord Graham; I've tried working with writers in Australia, France and the UK in the past and found it difficult, if not impossible due to the differences in language application, use of slang, idioms and sayings. We may all speak English, but I've found that our forms of English very widely. And too, our markets are quite different which makes it difficult to offer real & significant support to each other. I think you'd have greater success with fellow writers in your neighborhood. That sounds exclusionary I know, but believe me when I say that's not my intent at all.

Al Hibbert

Hi Doug- I was just trying not to sound like I assumed I was going to be chosen. But, if you want me, I'd like to do it. I like the idea of reasonably small samples that we can digest and still keep up on our current projects.

Pierre Langenegger

“I’ve tried working with writers in Australia, France and the UK in the past and found it difficult, if not impossible due to the differences in language application, use of slang, idioms and sayings. We may all speak English but I’ve found that our forms of English very widely”. Why is that? Because you don’t know your grammar, you’re a poor speller and/or you don’t bother to proofread and edit? With all due respect Doug, what a pile of garbage. Thank goodness not everyone in the film industry thinks like you or it would consist solely of U.S. residents. If you’re going to criticise non-Americans because of their use of English then you should save yourself from embarrassment by ensuring your criticism is error free. If this is your attitude and writing style then I wouldn’t want to work with you either. “That sounds exclusionary I know”. You bet it does. You’re not kicking any goals here, Doug.

Ronnie Mackintosh

"Al, “would be” suggests to me that you have some preconditions." Doug, your comment to Al suggests to me that your subsequent comment is correct - as you misunderstood what he meant in a five word sentence. And Pierre has a point or two.

Doug Nelson

Pierre, Once again I try to offer some positive interaction with fellow writers only to confront some cattiness from the bleachers. Basically I just don't need or have time for the snarky crap (I've got a pretty heavy production schedule this summer). So, to all who thought it might have been a “good” thing – forget about it. I'll try to refrain from offering to help on Stage 32 again. Doug has left the building.

Pierre Langenegger

Doug, you bring it upon yourself, just don't be so obnoxious in your posts and comments.

Al Hibbert

Wow that was fast- nothing like sticking to it.

Cherie Grant

Never saw Doug as obnoxious. :/

Al Hibbert

Well I'm still in if anyone's game?

Josh Hughes

As long as Doug doesn't come back with his non-sense... I'm interested in doing something like this. Dan-- are you putting something together?

Jacob Buterbaugh

Dan and Mariano - I am interested.

Hakim Kisakye

Am interested in this deal

David M Hyde

If anyone is still interested, and writes in the faith-based genre, I facilitate an on-line screenwriter's critique group via Inspire Christian Writers. More info: . We "meet" once or twice a month via email, depending on the needs of the group. Australians welcome :)

David Ikechukwu Akam

mr. doug i am interested

Victor Daniel Vera

I'm very interested in this. Count me in.

Bill Costantini

Crikey, Doug, that's two times in the last month that you "volunteered" to do something for writers, and two times that you backed out within a day. NOTE TO SELF: Don't accept a Christmas Party invitation from Doug. :(

Victor Daniel Vera

Mariano: Thanks for that. Hope to hear more about this group being proposed. :D

Victor Daniel Vera

Mariano: I'm under Danny Vera. I added u

Andrew Louis Marnik

I'm very interested in this group! I'd love to submit and assist when I can.

Izzibella Beau

Let me know if y'all have any more room in your group.

Adam S. MacPherson

Doug, if you are still out there, Dan, Mariano also, this is a great idea and I as the epitome of aspiring screenwriters am on board if you will have me, lets organize this. I am known as Mac Guyson aka (Adam S. Macpherson) on Facebook.

Jorge J Prieto

Nothing compares to the success of our very own Stage 32, moderator BETH FOX, 30 day Write Club Challenge, where we had to complete a screenplay or TV series in 30 days or less. We would report our process, our progress weekly and support one another, no pressure. Love it! This sounds good, but I already see bumps in the road ahead and it's hasn't even started. Keep it real fellow screenwriters.



Izzibella Beau

Mariano, I sent a friend request through FB. I would love to be part of this group if there's room available. I have written eleven novels, currently working on an authorized life story with a celebrity, and have completed three screenplays.

Doug Nelson

Dan, all the best wishes for your success with your group.

Jorge J Prieto

Mariano: The write club I cited, was in the lounges, it was called November Write Club challenge. If BETH stops by she probably has the link. BTW, I'm interested. Always here to support everyone, and have found great support from many writers here as well . I will send you a friend request on FB, my name is the same Jorge J Prieto. DAN: You have always been here for me and I trust you and have great respect / admiration for your as a screenwriter and human being. I'm here for you and everyone. Peace.

Jorge J Prieto

Mariano: Don't know if you are interested in checking out the Stage 32 , Write Club I cited here, but here's the link:

Adam S. MacPherson

Jorge, damn great you will be in the group brother, I am getting on there right now. It may take a while for us to get this thing flowing but when it does this will be a great resource for aspiring writers, not that S32 isn't. I will always adore and appreciate and be a part of this site but we need more and FB is a great extension.

Jorge J Prieto

Adam, thanks for the kind words, my friend. I gotta be honest FB has not yet compared to this community. So, let's see how this venture goes. Always great hearing from you

Adam S. MacPherson

Hey Jorge, thanx brother always good to hear from you, yea FB has nothing on S32 obviously but lets give this a try. Mariano G got it going and has already set up the first move for the writers, I volunteered to be first naturally. Dan G is on board, lets do this man. By the way, reading "Rest in Peace" fucking sick, twisted, downright demented, I fucking love it bro, how is "American Music" coming with you. I know it needs A LOT of work but give it to me bro. I am going to submit Acts 1&2 as well as 7, "The Explosive Idea" If Mariano and "The Den" agree to me being the first submission. Hit me back brother.

Adam S. MacPherson

Havent started "Till Death" yet but goddamn man, watch out Dean Koontz and Steven King, that shit is f--king beautifully sick.

Al Hibbert

You guys, I am going to relinquish my spot to someone else, with the intent of joining up at a later date, if that's alright. There's a ton of people who said they wanted to do this, and I'm confident that it's going to be a successful venture. My plate right now is pretty full with non writing related stuff, and I don't want to not be 100 percent with it. So Jorge and the rest of you, thanks, and please, possibly post updates so we can keep up on the progress. I know some great stories are going to be even greater because of this- thanks- Al

Jorge J Prieto

MARIANO: I'm unable to sign into Facebook group. Did you delete me. I know you don't have me on your regular page. You might have to send me an invite to your FB page??

Sammer Abu AlRagheb

I'm in. as long as all criteria is professional and not personal.

Jean-Pierre Chapoteau

add me. i sent you a friend request, Mariano.

David Levy

Mariano or Dan: Please add me. Don't multiply mrme I don;t think I could stand more of myself. Dan: The motto of the group should have a Willy Wonka feel: "With Dan G. it's a guarantee!"

Sammer Abu AlRagheb

Greetings people, so how do we do this? I'm really interested.

Bill Costantini

Dan, I'm not available to join the Screenwriter's Den, but I just wanted to let you know that I think what you've done in light of Doug's bow-out is very commendable. Good luck with the group - I hope it goes smashingly well; that everyone benefits as a writer; and that everyone has an option, sale or contract in their future. You're a stud, Dan!

Robert Yousif Abilmouna

Way to take the lead Mariano! I'm down to contribute and get some new insight. Hopefully there's room for me...

Thakur Irfan Panchi

Dear Sir me waiting for this opportunity. I will do plz give me a chance

Thakur Irfan Panchi

I do hope U will give response

Nevena T

@Mariano, just sent you a request on facebook. I am interested in joining the group too.

Bianca Gray

@Mariano its great to see this type of group around and I am most interested also. I've selected the join group on FB

Marianne Dupré

Hello, I am very interested in this group. BUT I prefer to say it now : I have no experience in screenwriting (meaning I've never tried to sell, I've never finished a project but all of them are in progress, I know more or less how to do a proper screenplay. I'm basically a true beginner). Is that a problem to enter the group ? I won't be offensed at all if the answer is yes, I just want to enjoy this incredible opportunity to improve myself but I absolutely don't want to be a weight for the others. Sincerely

Matt Hurd

This is a fantastic idea, all! Great to see the Stage 32 network expanding both on and off the site in the spirit of what we're all here to do!

Thakur Irfan Panchi

Me still waiting for this opportunity

Isaac Lipnick

@Mariano & @Dan I am a newbie. I just finished my first script, but if there's still room I'd really love to join!

Jeff White

This sounds great. I have send in my request to join.

Elisabeth Meier

@Dan - I'm interested, but like Owen said - I would rather eat beetroot and celery (which I don't like at all) than signing in to Facebook. But maybe I won't be accepted for my heritage, being a female, a German, green-eyed, Jewish, having small feet which don't speak English, living in the wrong street or what ever??? I mean the worst that could happen is that all fellow non-American screenwriters would improve their English. He he... oh... and by the way... I'm really already sorry NOW that I sometimes mix up the English they speak in England where the language comes from (and as it is taught in our schools in Europe) with the American version which actually is a mixture of all languages. With words like Gesundheit, Zeitgeist, Kindergarten, entrepreneur, laissez-faire, scène à faire, Leitkultur, savoîr faire, Brezel, Ansatz, Aufbau, Autobahn, Auto, Doppelganger, Gemutlichkeit - just to mention a few in 2 of so many languages.

Daniel Ranalli

Hello, Doug, I would be interested in joining as well.

Hakim Kisakye

Hello, Doug, am also interested in joining.

Doug Nelson

Cancelled for lack of interest.

Hakim Kisakye


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