I usually find more efficiency writing in the evening. I'm not sure why. I think it has to do with the fact that I'm not that tired and most of the experiences of the day have passed, and I can process them better.
I usually find more efficiency writing in the evening. I'm not sure why. I think it has to do with the fact that I'm not that tired and most of the experiences of the day have passed, and I can process them better.
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I'm naturally an evening writer but adjusted to writing earlier in the day so I'm available for the hubby in the evenings. It's tough but since he agreed I could quit my day job to devote all my time to writing, I can't complain. :)
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Either/or for me. Whenever that "oh, great idea.....lets add that in!" moment happens!
I prefer writing in the morning, Jai Jackson.
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Depends on when the inspiration hits. I write bits here and there all the time, but when the words start flowing, I'll be writing for hours, no matter when.
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I wish I could write during the daytime but somehow the quiet of a still house makes me more creative at night :)
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My creativity starts in the morning after a good night sleep. I can’t do nights after a long day at work. Too much stuff already in my head from the day. It’s why I look forward to the weekends or holidays. Tried writing once at night, deleted everything I wrote. A load of crap!
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Mornings but it depends. Sometimes when I go to bed I get crazy creative and I have to write it down immediately!
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Evenings for me. Love to lose myself for a few hours and realise that I've written/re-written and edited the same sentence over and over again. Then I go to bed. Maybe I will try mornings after all.
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Honestly, I like to write at any time. I try not to do anything work-related after 6:00 PM, but I've gotten out of bed at midnight to right something down, or woken up from a dream at sunrise and jotted it down. Come rain, come shine, come snow, come sleet!
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I have a day job (also writing, but the journeyman kind), and usually focus on that in the mornings. It definitely gets harder as the day wears on.
So, my own writing tends to happen evenings and weekends, depending on the day job workload.
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I used to write at night, it was the only free time I could get. I'd be trying to sleep though, and I'd have to constantly wake myself up to jot ideas down. (Not at all a bad problem to have)
I've recently started writing during the afternoon, because my work schedule has changed. Some days it works and some it doesn't.
Long comment short, I'm trying to find the perfect schedule for myself.
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I write in the mornings usually. It's quiet and the world of dreams is close by.
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I can honestly say that it depends the project and the circumstances. Horror and suspense, I typically write at night. Drama or comedy is in the morning. Also, my current work schedule and the age of my children have also dictated when I write. I've literally written at all hours of the day and night.