How's everyone and their mental health doing? Have you all been writing? I have! I am slightly pushing myself to write and forcing myself out of this brutal writer's block. How about you?
How's everyone and their mental health doing? Have you all been writing? I have! I am slightly pushing myself to write and forcing myself out of this brutal writer's block. How about you?
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Hi Kenn Initially I was tearing my hair out. We went from normal life to horror film status over a ten day period, where each day sucked more than the last. Now I’ve decided to go with the flow and with calm acceptance. It’s the only way through because stressing causes cortisol, that in turn weakens immune system and so gives the enemy virus an upper hand. Yes you are taking the right path by honing in on your skills and un plumbing stories that need to be written. Indie film and writing was my 24 hour passion anyway but never before did I join a supermarket que, for whatever tins of larger were left on the shelf and then write. All our lives have changed but it need not change our innate passion for our art. I’ve written a few shorts the last couple of days “The Bakery Que Saga” and “Billion Dollar Bail” based on the strange new world of Coronavirus. Keep on writing!
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I never went out much before anyway as a screenwriter and a stay at home dad, most of my time has been spent in my home office. With the kid home all day again it's hard to get my writing in but it's been nice catching up and re-watching old favorites on the many different streaming services we have. Been binging West Wing and drifting off into that wonderful world.
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Writing out a design document for a video game based on my novel. Second week of a lockdown which should have occurred a month ago.
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My country is only on day 4 and so far I've been writing every day except yesterday. I think it will be a productive time for me, and a time for introspection and growth as a writer. No distractions and complete isolation from the world working on my most challenging rewrite to date will make a soldier out of me. I'm focused.
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I was speaking with an executive recently who is working from home who described it like this - She said the first week was like the week between Christmas and New Years, where everyone is home and no one knows if they are working, not working, taking calls, meetings, etc. Then last week everyone seemed to sort of settle into a routine and work resumed as normal. Meetings were getting rescheduled as calls or video calls, and prep/development on projects has picked back up.
I have been making a point to get up and get out of sweat pants every day. For me, it is such a small thing, but getting dressed goes a long way to maintaining motivation.
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Now that I am forced to be home it has given me the chance to catch up on my writing that I have been neglecting. And I am pleased to say I got a lot written
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Looks like most of you are keeping busy and staying healthy. I'm busy writing away. I hope you all stay well!
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I'm doing okay. My day job is paying full wages even though we're put on a two day a week rotation. (Essential personel) so I've had time to finish a reworking of a script I'm writing with my partner. I almost had an option on Dead Wake but the producer is very new and wanted to keep it optioned for FIVE years. I had to ask her to wait until the industry starts up again and contact me then. It was a $1 option with production bonus. I can earn more in royalties on the published version in five years than I could letting her sit on it that long, plus I have other people reading it.
So other than that, I have more time to write new material and maybe get some improvements done around the house.
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I'm at Ground Zero - NYC. Most positive COVID19 in the nation, also tops in deaths. Hard to stay focus and write stories when family & friends are on the front line working at hospitals, Police, food markets. It's basically war. Some battle every day. Some stay home and pray. Wait.
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Yeah, Dan M, I'm in an area hit as well, but our numbers in WA seem to be slowing somewhat our state has responded quickly. Those of us who are parents or have other family members to care for suddenly have additional stresses and extra-things to juggle right now. Plus worry about other loved ones, friends, careworkers, all the heroes working the front lines of this pandemic everywhere, the human toll and suffering, the oncoming economic woes, etc, etc, etc. Motivation and focus on creative endeavors are not top of mind. But I'm trying, though. I work on something every day. ;)
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Starting to push back against rejections (mainly out of anger and to show I'm no longer accepting BS) - the catalyst? Another rejection, stating it is unprofessional to contact one directly with a pitch, and in future, I must use Virtual Pitch Fest to do so. I also got the standard "no unsolicited pitches" response (it would be very nice if people were consistent with that term instead of flying it around as a "Because F you, that's why" card). Well... I'm not using VPF if I can help it, because there is no way that I am going to pay a single penny more than I have to in order to pitch my work! VPF is expensive and there's no guarantee of a response, either (I've been using it for over a decade and I've spent over £1,000 - around $2,000 - on pitches ALONE). If they think me contacting them directly is "unprofessional", then I'm sorry, but I have little money and even fewer choices. Should I ever become successful, then I will found a company, an agency, dedicated to helping writers hone their work and then help them submit to pros.