I'm not talking politics here at all. I agree with Stephen on this in that I see no impact on writers at all but I do fear that we'll see greater attempts by a few to promote greater influence over what others say/do. Untoward censorship can only be detrimental to our infant independent film industry and I hope with all my heart that we don't drift that way. I'll say no more – I'll just sit and watch it unfold.
This is a valid question/concern. This is how politics may impact our industry. That's fair to discuss. Has no one seen "Trumbo?" Or "The Front?" There are first amendment issues in play. As writers (or any creative working to advance an edgy project), we must be vigilant about anything that or anyone who seek to usurp our ability to create without restriction of content, or to intimidate or invoke fear for producing that content. How about the history of Hollywood and the battles with censorship and religious and political influence? How about that Wil Hays? Google this: The Motion Picture Production Code of 1930 (Hays Code)
As far as it being a concern, I don't know how something that's yet to happen can impact an independent writer? I don't see how anyone is going to change what I think and ultimately choose to write. The entertainment Industry itself has a code of operation, so do we as writers. It's how we find the cross-pollination that manifests the world. As a SCREENWRITER or, HUMAN it's not the decisions of others that decide what we create... it's the perception in which we translate those decisions of others that can find a way to becoming our (SCREENWRITER'S) content. We don't THINK our way into right action, we BEHAVE our way into right thinking.
I'm not sure what the screenwriter or industry codes are (MPAA?), but I find it naive to think that something like the Hays office could not be reinstated. It took decades to get that thing into the current rating system we have now. Seriously, the previous link I posted is worth a read. It's part of our industry's history. For a great read, "Tinseltown" by William J. Mann. Indie filmmakers do not have an army of attorneys to fight back either. I seem to recall that the fabulous movie "Resurrection" was banned when it came out in 1980. Of course, at the time that caused some folks to buy tickets just because, and now it's a classic. In other news, if section 181 is not renewed, that's bad for a project I have going. I voted for every legislator in Arizona who might support a state tax incentive. None of them got in. @Talece, would love to know where that financing is of which you speak... I need to reach out to those people. Any inside tips I don't know?
Indie screenwriters? Doubt many have 2 nickels to rub. Screenwriters have no power because they are not filmmakers. The seat to be in is the director's seat, backed by a power player like Oprah, Ellison, Priztker (backed by Billionaires).
Doug, just saying.. Most would not like to see this thread (or any thread) turn ugly and dissolve into political arguments, which then would have nothing to do with your topic, nor the film industry.
Beth, I agree with you wholeheartedly although I cannot speak for 'most' and I certainly don't want to see this evolve into some pointless political dust-up. Hopefully the majority of those visiting this thread are grownups. My question has to do with the general direction of the indie film industry in the near future.... I ask because I don't know; more than anything, I'd like to feel a little assurance.
Indie film? Probably no affect. As for studio films... it all depends on how much he pisses off China. They might retaliate by punishing American investors, and right now the studios and big mini-majors are prime targets, if so.
Hey Philip Et al. I went through various avenues of financing in the 10mil to 25 mil range. All straight financing channels, not through industry packaging, co production or distribution deals. Here is what I can tell you. At '09 forward there was literally no way to pull the kind of finance deal that I was able to easily and I mean easily access from 99-09. (There was a rough patch from 01-03). After '09 "the money" became about China. Getting straight US or Europe money just got impossible. Economic policy's here monetarily and in business just had everything working against the traditional US film edge where we called the shots. I.e. It's an American Film. I think with the election and approach the administration is stressing, that money will open back up. First clue. Look at the overnight world markets. They are up up and up. It's about to be about capitalism again not culturalism. What will be interesting is how the streaming content "houses" will adjust. Braced for major blowback now. Just my 2 cents on what the money guys have told me for the last 8 years and what they are saying now. And please don't shoot "the writer"!!! Love y'all. T
I do not live in the States so i can't talk about Trump.But I can though talk about censorship.Indian filmmakers have to constantly deal with this.Just search for "Udta Punjab" or "Black Friday".
Beth, I just had a George Carlin Moment, All Politics are Personal, it's like saying "Semi Boneless Ham" it either has a Bone or Not" The Real Question is can Trump revive the economy for Businesses, or be side track on non business issues. Show Business is like any other Business will the economy support it. Bottom line Taxes are Cut, Rising Tides lifts all Boats
Sorry, I see nothing good nor beneficial here. There is far more at stake. I have much larger concerns and fears than how this election will affect the film industry. So, that's all I can say in regards to this thread topic.
And, Henry, my first comment was basically asking people to not swerve off into heated arguments and hijack this thread; it was a preemptive peace keeping effort. Oh, and sorry, I'm not much of a George Carlin fan. Lol! ;)
@Henry Rivers Trump could tax production companies that run off to Canada, Eastern Europe, etc., just to save a buck, not because the story requires shooting in those places. Bring more film making and jobs back to the USA.
Going to say this and then carry on with life. It's not going to make an impact on you as a screenwriter unless YOU make it impact you. Frankly not going to bother me really. Just the kind of guy I am I guess.
"How will it impact indie filmmakers and writers?" (Doug's question.) If the U.S. under Trump: puts up a mega-wall between us and Mexico and improves or worsens the porous border situation.....expels millions of illegal aliens...gets (some of the) factories back to America/gets more manufacturing in America....makes it harder for criminals/gangs to thrive.....tears up the majority of Obamacare....eliminates the EPA and other regulatory agencies...ends corporate welfare...ends trade agreements....goes after the Clinton Foundation...closes some of the military bases around the world....forces other countries to pay for military protection....stops funding Planned Parenthood...turns the IRS and the Federal Reserve upside down....has protests that turn into riots from the anti-Trump movement...gets no support from Washington Democrats....creates an even bigger divide in the people that live in America, and an even bigger divide in the news media and in the objectivity of reporting....has Michael Moore's new movement go after incumbent Democratic lawmakers who end up supporting Trump in Washington....drastically improves, or drastically worsens America, politically, socially, and/or economically.... .....I would imagine at least one writer and indie filmmaker will make a movie based on some of that.....don't you? Art does imitate life, after all. RIP LEONARD COHEN (September 21, 1934 - November 10, 2016)
Bill, perhaps the FBI and IRS will change that story by bringing on fraud and tax evasion charges. ;) Just to agree with and add to CJ's point, I've never felt so disheartened. Women and minorities, inside and outside the industry, will need much more support.
An interesting question, eh? I'm glad I asked it. You'll brought up a couple of points that I hadn't thought of – thanx. One thing I've noticed is that your crystal ball is just as hazy as mine. What will be, will be and we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. In the mean-time, I'm solidly in Richard Gustason's camp.
According to the Center for Responsive Politics, entertainment sources contributed $22 million to her campaign and to pro-Clinton super-PACs through Oct. 19, compared with less than $290,000 for Donald Trump.
Beth - The Trump University issue certainly could be added to that list. He won't be the first "Get Rich In Real Estate" figure to be sued ("Flip This House" personality Alberto Montelongo was sued recently), and he probably won't be the last. Al - no surprise there. Hollywood is heavily pro-Dem and has been for quite some time. Beth and CJ - Why would you feel any more disheartened about women and minorities in the entertainment business under a Trump presidency? What did the executive powers/influences of President's Obama, Bush, and Clinton directly do over the last 24 years for women and minorities in the entertainment industry? Can a female president change that? California's state laws...Democrats in power in California at the state level...and two long-time female Democratic U.S. Senators haven't - can "laws" or political power/influence change that? Based on political history (and the long-time history of Democrats in power in Hollywood)....evidently not - wouldn't you agree? A UCLA report that came out in February of this year concluded that women and minorities actually gained very little and even lost ground both in front of the camera, and behind the camera. Do we get more disheartened at President Obama's last eight years because of that? Do we think the next American President has the influence/power to improve that? Can President-Elect Trump come up with a plan to influence/shake up/move the Entertainment Powers-That-Be in a way that President Obama apparently couldn't influence/shake up/move them? Is it even realistic to assume that a U.S. president has such a "power", or is it naive/idealistic to believe that the Entertainment Powers-That-Be can be affected or influenced to sell what they sell/employ who they employ/pay who they pay what they pay unless they feel it's good business....whatever "good" means to them behind closed doors, and regardless of race, sex, color? Philip - thanks for acknowledging the loss of Leonard Cohen. He sure was a great one. Regardless of one's political persuasions/affiliations....maybe we can all agree on one thing......CUBS WIN! CUBS WIN! CUBS WIN! RIP LEONARD COHEN (September 21, 1934 - November 10, 2016)
Huh? Because of who that man is and what he represents. The gender of his campaign manager has no bearing on either, nor does it absolve his actions and statements. But, I will stop there. Again, I certainly do not see any of this as a benefit to the film industry. I will refrain from further comment. Thanks all.
...Non-college degree, Al Hibbert. Rural more so than urban areas too. Sorry, you may not be, but if you are lumping me into some group, please don't. It doesn't justify anything. Perhaps look closer at those demographics.
As a foreign person, I have no right to comment as I respect the American people among which I have a lot of friends. As a foreign screenwriter though?... Well, depending on what happens politically in the weeks and months to come, it could become harder for writers like myself to enter the country (USA) and thereby work in the industry and collaborate with American filmmakers and producers. I hope that is not the case, of course.
Zlatan – You have every right in the world to comment. As of right now, you certainly can write and produce/direct films here in the US but I cannot write/produce/direct films in Europe, Canada or several other nations (don't know about Sweden – I'm half Swedish.) I had to give my script to a French Producer so that he could make it there. There is an inequity already (I don't care.) Sarah; Very well spoke, you renew my confidence in your generation. Thanx.
Sarah - you probably have already seen videos by amateur cinematographers that have been originally appearing on Facebook and YouTube and that document the crimes being committed in places like Chicago, where a man was stomped by a group of sociopaths who were chanting "Don't Vote Trump!"; in Portland, where a larger group of sociopaths apparently think it's okay to damage businesses and cars; and in Oakland, where another group of sociopaths damaged properties and assaulted police. Much more video will sprout on Internet sites, and especially as Inauguration Day approaches, I am sure. I am also sure that I won't be off by a huge margin when I say that things will get much uglier and uglier in these short videos. It's an interesting and troubling phenomenon - documenting one's crimes and the crimes of others for all of the world to see. People in relatively more peaceful and civilized countries must watch some of this stuff and think "wow...is this what America is really like?"
Doug - Thank you, I appreciate that as well as understand your point which is absolutely correct. People in the U.S, I have been honored to get in touch with, have never asked me about anything regarding my personal beliefs in regards to politics, religion, heritage, or any other nonsense certain people hold important but who I am as a person and what I can bring to the table as far as our creative work of screenwriting/filmmaking goes. And that, Doug, is truly a breath of fresh air I truly hope does not change with change in U.S administration. As you said, and it is correct, Europe is more closed as a film market and industry than Hollywood will ever be. I mean, let´s be honest here, there is a lot of people from all over the world working in the U.S film industry but not very much exchange the other way around. There are different reasons for that, I think. The biggest reason being that even the film industry over here is under siege by political propaganda interests. And as Swedish citizen who is not born in this country I can tell you that unless you make a "certain type" of movies you won´t get any help or find a way into the industry here in Sweden and many other countries around Europe. To me, America has always been a beacon of hope, in many ways, because of its history and diversity and values. I would hate to see it lose that sense of leadership not only in this industry but also generally speaking by closing itself down.
I find it amusing that protesters claiming that Trump is anti-environment, protested by setting fire to anything and everything they could lay their hands on, including a number of plastic newspaper stands.
Beth, I hear what your saying about out of control conversations that can erupt into unpleasant experiences while singing around the camp fire during the waning days of summer. but what caught my eyes were the sound of How you presented it, " don't want any discussion of personal politics" and "RB" will agree with me and that's it, in which I scoff out loud and mock your thinking (respectfully :( Needless to say, this thing of ours making and producing creative work is not meant for the faint of heart or wanna beez, that gets insulted or insulting others outside of the discussion of the topic, creative work requires insults, rejections and sometimes fist fights and calling out the other person mother for what she really is for having such a child she spawn. Personal Politics is always Personal You can't make porn without explicit content or nudity. You can't make movies with content restrictions. Politics is the way we live life and if we can't express it through politics, then its Tyranny then its not a discussion of ideas but of fear. There's nothing to learn from fear other than don't do it... Personal Politics is your "IN or Out" of the Game of Life. - Beth I understand why you may not like George Carlin because he presents life for what it is...
@JD Hartman - I totally agree with you, but the nature of the investment group or individuals have to reap their personal benefits. Bring all the jobs back to the U.S. Hate going to the Air port having TSA Agents go through the luggage. I prefer if necessary use a blue screen for certain scenes. But bringing these jobs back requires politicians "STOP HARPING" on the 1% not paying their fare share of Taxes. when they actually are paying more than the fare share. Without Tax Breaks and long term Incentives, we'll have to stand in front MCDONALDS WINDOW watching them eating their Apple Pie, while standing in the Wind and the Rain looking for that coupon ...
Henry, perhaps read the Stage 32 Community Code of Conduct found within the site's Terms of Use. You are misinterpreting me. There's no need to insult and mock me, or any of our members—hence my preemptive peace keeping efforts especially around such a divisive, often heated subject. As a Lounge moderator, I am following direction from Stage 32 management—RB and the team.
Angst is a driving force for creativity and art. I foresee a rebellious future for comedy and satire. Dormant voices, who were content with the Obama years, will now challenge authority. This election may bring a tidal wave of dissent in music, film, books, and art. It may be the shot of adrenaline needed to energize indie filmmaking.
Happy Sunday! It s a beautiful sunny day in NYC. My brother's wife is going to another anti-Trump march today. But i will be the voice of reason (Oh, God!). Career-wise, if you havent done anything in the past 8 years under Obama, what makes you think your writing will be better or worse in the Trump era? Great Writers find an audience regardless of political agendas- Anne Frank wrote in an attic. One of my mentors, Budd Schulberg, he wrote under house arrest (And his dad created Hollywood). Entertainment - Hollywood & Indie- will be fine. Master the craft of storytelling. No one will care if you cant tell an entertaining story.
This is an interesting conversation. I was wondering the same thing myself, as a screenwriter and filmmaker I'm wondering if I should just kill all of my projects now and wait for the next 4-8 years to be over. What I'm worried about, is if the economy tanks and no one has any money to invest, what will the indie film makers do? The ones who get their primary financing through crowdfunding? Granted I haven't even started crowdfunding yet, but it concerns me a lot. Maybe I need to start now before January. I'm also a woman, and now that the glass ceiling has been 'repaired', I feel like nothing I do will ever be recognized. Needless to say I"m extremely worried about this whole thing. -G.R.B.
His tax policies could affect the production of independent films. Without tax credits, indie filmmakers, not just screenwriters, will face a funding shortfall. Between armed Trump supporters breaking up protests to liberal PC hawks deriding films that don't support their agenda, freedom of speech is at risk right now. As screenwriters, the best we can do is avoid the comfortable complacency of self-censorship. To a point Dan MaxXx made earlier, self-producing has never been easier. I've written and directed two shorts with very little cash, if any, while working my day jobs. Talent is a Craigslist post away.
Sorry, I'm more concerned about his latest threats on the First Amendment (today's news). That and sudden complacency about ALL the horrible things that he has said and done and threatened, and the lack of actual facts. Don't be complacent. Don't be indifferent. Don't be insular and think this election won't affect you. It will. This isn't normal, people. It just isn't. His team is taking steps to distance and limit the press. If the President-Elect is so petty and picks fights with news outlets and wants to silence journalists, what's next? We should be concerned about farrrrrrrr more than just financing. The First Amendment and its proponents are in for a very rough ride. :( ...Oh, if you're looking for some cathartic laughter about the election, perhaps watch the latest episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. You can find it easily on YouTube. In it he commemorates 2016 with a video compilation that closes out this season and reveals just how sh*tty this year truly was. F-bombs galore. Hey, it made me burst into laughter. Something I haven't been able to do for almost a week now, that and sleep. —G.R.B., I understand how you are feeling. We'll just have to work that much harder. Hang in there. ;)
No, you're right Beth, this isn't normal at all and I fear for the news outlets out there that aren't Fox News. I don't like this one bit and to be honest I kind of want to get out of this country for the next four years. Not that I have the means to realistically do that right now but God is it tempting. I need to look at last week with John Oliver. Sounds amusing. -G.R.B.
I find it quite astonishing that people are protesting against Trump in the way that they are. It seems those same people are actually protesting about democracy. He won the vote - fair and square and by a considerably higher margin than anyone could have expected. Maybe if the 46% (I believe it may be higher - something like 49.6%) of Americans who didn't bother to vote had voted, you might have had the lesser of two evils. Either way, what's done is done and you - like the "remainers" here in the UK - need to suck it up and move on. Sour grapes and sore losers are never pleasant things to experience.
This is so much more than a case of sour grapes. His presidency is the opposite of what our country stands for. We're scared over here. That is why people are protesting like they are. Uneducated, poor white males came out in droves to vote for him because they think he's gonna section off parts of his wealth for them, and what they don't realize is they just got conned. Everyone did. -G.R.B.
@G.R. The discussion is about Trump's impact on the independent film industry, specifically screenwriters. Beth's post had nothing to do with the film business, let alone indie movie-making, aside from a reference to the First Amendment, which covers news outlets, books and graphic novels. I'd be more than happy, in fact delighted, to discuss Trump in general in the Anything Goes forum, but that's not the topic of this thread or the purpose of the Screenwriting Lounge.
How is the threat against the First Amendment personal politics? That is relevant to concerns about the industry. That does affect everyone -- freedom of speech and freedom of creative expression. But no worries, my only intention was to add comment to what others have also mentioned. Sorry, I'll refrain.
Lastly, just in the spirit of sharing information, perhaps look at the latest reports of the high number of hate crimes against minorities and communities. We've got problems coming from all sides. And, I too would like to move this to Anything Goes, but Doug has tied it to Screenwriting. So if Doug and everyone agrees I'm happy to move this thread.
In fairness to both political sides.....hah-hah...fairness...politics......I'll re-phrase that....in fairness to the posters here who support either side.....here are the two films I'd like to see.... 1. A film about how a national political organization can totally betray one of its candidates in the primary, and lie about it until an email hack in their servers exposes them for what they really are....and then go on to totally blow a national election where the voting deck and media support was clearly stacked in its favor...and..... 2. A film about how an underdog primary candidate can call his opponents every libelous name in the book.....go on to win the primary and general election....and then go on to complain about libel laws. I surely picked the wrong year to give up blindly supporting a political party! Heh-heh.
Wow. Wasn't the question Trumps impact on what we do? I think what was said about Chinese money buying US media companies and influencing product is quite relevant and Trump is the only one that had a problem with foreign countries dictating US product and procedure and said game on. I'm happy.
Don't believe a word Henry said about semi-boneless ham. Everybody knows "semi-boneless" refers to the fact that only the leg bone is remaining. Henry knows that, too. He's lying like he always does. Little Henry is lying through his teeth! Lying Henry! Little Henry! Lying, Little Henry!
Man....George Carlin would have had a field day with this last election cycle. From the candidates....to the media....to the pollsters....to the voters.....to the fact that so many Americans can't even name their own U.S. Senators.
Many documentaries are filmed outside of the studio system. If the federal government cuts funding to non-profits, indie filmmakers will receive fewer grants, which means less documentaries, especially ones focusing on topics the Republicans disagree with. @Beth: I never saw Doug give permission to move the thread. Did you hijack a poster's thread then move it to another forum so your posts weren't off-topic?
Hi Doug, You certainly know how to throw a cat among the pigeons! I have not read all the responses. However, I do know the world is a very different place now Trump is (or will be) President. Some responders have referred to China. Yes, China has taken over much of the world because our politicians [wherever you may be] have benefited from these deals and sold their nation to the detriment of its inhabitants. Not sure where this will take any of us [I am from Australia] and I tried to prevent my country being China-reliant by not proceeding with a 15 yr multi-billion dollar joint-venture contract in 1986. I foresaw the devastation on jobs, social impact and prosperity my contract alone would have. But others took up the baton and so they did in America. Yes, Trump will impact on the indie script market as with all filmmakers and financiers. Although I want my scripts made into film, I have so far avoided Chinese funding for the reasons given. This is not personal politics, it is a decision of how you wish the world's future to be. I am unsure how many believe in God and perhaps this has taken the thread in another direction but I believe. I am deeply grateful and honored to have met and dealt with the government officials in China involved in my contract who were so gracious. Especially the person who warned me about being "too pink"! He would have passed on. And to the Beijing University Professor who gave me a Chinese name. But my nation needed to come first.
Oooooh. This is the best thread I've ever seen. Yeh, I just think when someone asks you to rewrite a script to be sensitive to state politics, anyone's state politics, it's a slippery slope. I don't believe in proselytizing in film. Documentaries are one thing, feature is another. I just can't get past that center line of we as actors, writers, directors, show a window into a "world", put a magnifying glass on it but we don't tweak it for agenda only for drama. There is something else, and then I am truly going to duck and hide, but I would like to throw it out there. The night of the election I was watching "the Map". And while they were talking votes, I was seeing theater ticket sales. (Especially because the issue of late has been theaters in the US are sitting empty and China and foreign markets are the gig. But what I saw was, except for a thin blue line along the coasts, this country that loves going to the movies, that created the entire dynamic of "going to the movies", is who is NOT going to the movies. The movies that are getting green lighted in those thin blue line areas. The parts of the US that traditionally are "film" savvy, but they don't buy tickets and popcorn. And it is our industry that is too cool to be schooled by mainstream America. Date Night in Kansas is cool. They are not dumb. They just don't want to be programmed. Never underestimate your audience. If we have lost US audiences, there is a reason why. The marketplace will always have your answer. I will go be quiet now. Thank you for letting me share. And thank you @Doug for starting this. Very astute, darlin'! :)
WTF? How did this post go from Trump to Indie writers (Broke Writers) to bashing China? Cmon, folks, get f**king real. The big Hollywood players have already cashed Chinese money from 3-4 years ago. If people really want to dig inside Hollywood gatekeepers, there are plenty of dead bodies and the founders were/are white & Jewish men. That is Hollywood. Every diverse group is playing catch-up to an unequal playing field. Get a job in the Industry first. That should be everyone's goal, indie or Hollywood mainstream. Then start doing change from the inside. Basically, be HYDRA. Play the game and then stick em from inside.
Trump speaks the truth and shames the devil. Yet screenwriters always have anyway. (Don't think anything new Unless he brings in policies that affect art schools).
@Debbie Croysdale: Public elementary and high schools receive government aid. Most college students finance their tuition with federal loans. With conservative elements calling for cuts to the department of education, that could impact art schools quite a bit. As for Trump speaking the truth...the fact checkers disagree.
I once argued with a chubby grocery store cashier. He couldn't think outside the box. Everything was very straight forward with him. He was a literal fat checker.
@Travis. Although I am known to communicate with animals, none of these pretend to be human. If you have something to say - say it like a man!... Take responsibility for it. Show us YOUR face.
PP That's not me in the photo. That is James Wong Howe, a pioneer cinematographer in the golden age of Hollywood-- the worst time for a person of Color in Show Biz
Okay, so political views aside we'll boil our opinion of this question down purely to the OT's question (and also the most midfield response we can muster, since our political views are of no value to the discussion). Trump being president should not impact your ability to write a good screenplay. Whether you are for or against the man, the man is not in your head. He's not forcing you to write one way or the other and is not going to make you forget screenplay formatting just because he's the new president-elect. If anything, regardless of your views it can be a source of inspiration (whether it be about an underdog winning the election, satire, policies, anything really) Trump will also not stop you from pitching your project to whichever production company you want to pitch to. There will be some that might say it "doesn't fit the current profile of the production company"...then move on to the next. If your script and pitch is good, you can get it made. If you keep getting a no, the first place to look would be the script and pitch, not the president elect. Trump is also not alone in the government. Before he passes anything that would impact an amendment (such as the mentioned 1st), a lot of waters will have to be crossed and we doubt it would happen before his term is up (if at all) Trump can however change corporate sponsorship (either for better or worse). While we've followed the elections like a hawk, we have to say there hasn't exactly been that many (any?) discussions on tax breaks or incentives for corporations if they decide to support the creative industry (the tax breaks and incentives discussed weren't aimed towards that). He also said he will change the entire taxation system but how that will work out, we will all have to wait and see. We don't believe it would have a major effect on small production companies because most of Trump's policies would impact larger corporations the way they are currently set up. With his plans to overthrow the Transatlantic Trade Pact, having co-production companies overseas might become more expensive. But truth be told, if the pact gets overturned, there really isn't anything in place to replace it. Trump stated that he will discuss that with each country independently so that's something we won't know until agreements have been signed. People from outside the US working inside the US was already pretty strictly regulated, also under creative working visa so we don't believe much will change for creatives. If you do it without the required paperwork, it's illegal whether Trump is president or not. As for major investors and film studios, we think the market definitely got shaken up when he was elected. As it stands currently, a lot of international investors are worried and anxious because his international business policies aren't that well known. He has spoken about his relationship to the EU and NATO in a pretty defiant way prior to his election. His focus was mainly on the first 100 days after his election. As with Brexit, there's no real telling on how the market will react. Things will die down, emotions will normalize and then it will mostly be business as usual until more is known. So, after this entire unbiased essay, in short: You as a screenwriter: it won't Your pitching process: it won't Your pitch being accepted: not more than right now Corporate sponsors: depends on the tax breaks and incentives...and your personal pitch International co-productions: depends on future policy Markets and studios: depend future policy That being said, it was very difficult to be unbiased since we do have a rather outspoken political view and opinion.
Patricia – I love that line and yes, turning the cat loose among the pigeons on public square is one of my favorite pass-times and I often play the devil's advocate just for lack of a good provocative hobby. It teaches me a lot about the players that I use when developing story characters. Evelien and Dorien, such a breath of logic and common sense is appreciated every now-n-again – it keeps my faith and hope alive.
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Let's please leave personal politics out of the forums.
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I'd have to guess that the indy world SCREENWRITERS would have zero impact...? Am I wrong?
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I'm not talking politics here at all. I agree with Stephen on this in that I see no impact on writers at all but I do fear that we'll see greater attempts by a few to promote greater influence over what others say/do. Untoward censorship can only be detrimental to our infant independent film industry and I hope with all my heart that we don't drift that way. I'll say no more – I'll just sit and watch it unfold.
Writers are suppliers of raw material. If he effects our customers with tax changes then there will be an impact.
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This is a valid question/concern. This is how politics may impact our industry. That's fair to discuss. Has no one seen "Trumbo?" Or "The Front?" There are first amendment issues in play. As writers (or any creative working to advance an edgy project), we must be vigilant about anything that or anyone who seek to usurp our ability to create without restriction of content, or to intimidate or invoke fear for producing that content. How about the history of Hollywood and the battles with censorship and religious and political influence? How about that Wil Hays? Google this: The Motion Picture Production Code of 1930 (Hays Code)
As far as it being a concern, I don't know how something that's yet to happen can impact an independent writer? I don't see how anyone is going to change what I think and ultimately choose to write. The entertainment Industry itself has a code of operation, so do we as writers. It's how we find the cross-pollination that manifests the world. As a SCREENWRITER or, HUMAN it's not the decisions of others that decide what we create... it's the perception in which we translate those decisions of others that can find a way to becoming our (SCREENWRITER'S) content. We don't THINK our way into right action, we BEHAVE our way into right thinking.
Rogue One will inspire several anti establishment stories.
so... according to John, nothing changes, right?
Yep.....Finally money available to US for financing again..... about time.
I'm not sure what the screenwriter or industry codes are (MPAA?), but I find it naive to think that something like the Hays office could not be reinstated. It took decades to get that thing into the current rating system we have now. Seriously, the previous link I posted is worth a read. It's part of our industry's history. For a great read, "Tinseltown" by William J. Mann. Indie filmmakers do not have an army of attorneys to fight back either. I seem to recall that the fabulous movie "Resurrection" was banned when it came out in 1980. Of course, at the time that caused some folks to buy tickets just because, and now it's a classic. In other news, if section 181 is not renewed, that's bad for a project I have going. I voted for every legislator in Arizona who might support a state tax incentive. None of them got in. @Talece, would love to know where that financing is of which you speak... I need to reach out to those people. Any inside tips I don't know?
Indie screenwriters? Doubt many have 2 nickels to rub. Screenwriters have no power because they are not filmmakers. The seat to be in is the director's seat, backed by a power player like Oprah, Ellison, Priztker (backed by Billionaires).
Doug, just saying.. Most would not like to see this thread (or any thread) turn ugly and dissolve into political arguments, which then would have nothing to do with your topic, nor the film industry.
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Beth, I agree with you wholeheartedly although I cannot speak for 'most' and I certainly don't want to see this evolve into some pointless political dust-up. Hopefully the majority of those visiting this thread are grownups. My question has to do with the general direction of the indie film industry in the near future.... I ask because I don't know; more than anything, I'd like to feel a little assurance.
Indie film? Probably no affect. As for studio films... it all depends on how much he pisses off China. They might retaliate by punishing American investors, and right now the studios and big mini-majors are prime targets, if so.
Hey Philip Et al. I went through various avenues of financing in the 10mil to 25 mil range. All straight financing channels, not through industry packaging, co production or distribution deals. Here is what I can tell you. At '09 forward there was literally no way to pull the kind of finance deal that I was able to easily and I mean easily access from 99-09. (There was a rough patch from 01-03). After '09 "the money" became about China. Getting straight US or Europe money just got impossible. Economic policy's here monetarily and in business just had everything working against the traditional US film edge where we called the shots. I.e. It's an American Film. I think with the election and approach the administration is stressing, that money will open back up. First clue. Look at the overnight world markets. They are up up and up. It's about to be about capitalism again not culturalism. What will be interesting is how the streaming content "houses" will adjust. Braced for major blowback now. Just my 2 cents on what the money guys have told me for the last 8 years and what they are saying now. And please don't shoot "the writer"!!! Love y'all. T
I do not live in the States so i can't talk about Trump.But I can though talk about censorship.Indian filmmakers have to constantly deal with this.Just search for "Udta Punjab" or "Black Friday".
Beth, I just had a George Carlin Moment, All Politics are Personal, it's like saying "Semi Boneless Ham" it either has a Bone or Not" The Real Question is can Trump revive the economy for Businesses, or be side track on non business issues. Show Business is like any other Business will the economy support it. Bottom line Taxes are Cut, Rising Tides lifts all Boats
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Sorry, I see nothing good nor beneficial here. There is far more at stake. I have much larger concerns and fears than how this election will affect the film industry. So, that's all I can say in regards to this thread topic.
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And, Henry, my first comment was basically asking people to not swerve off into heated arguments and hijack this thread; it was a preemptive peace keeping effort. Oh, and sorry, I'm not much of a George Carlin fan. Lol! ;)
@Henry Rivers Trump could tax production companies that run off to Canada, Eastern Europe, etc., just to save a buck, not because the story requires shooting in those places. Bring more film making and jobs back to the USA.
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First thing-- get a job in the Industry before you complain about the Industry :)
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Going to say this and then carry on with life. It's not going to make an impact on you as a screenwriter unless YOU make it impact you. Frankly not going to bother me really. Just the kind of guy I am I guess.
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"How will it impact indie filmmakers and writers?" (Doug's question.) If the U.S. under Trump: puts up a mega-wall between us and Mexico and improves or worsens the porous border situation.....expels millions of illegal aliens...gets (some of the) factories back to America/gets more manufacturing in America....makes it harder for criminals/gangs to thrive.....tears up the majority of Obamacare....eliminates the EPA and other regulatory agencies...ends corporate welfare...ends trade agreements....goes after the Clinton Foundation...closes some of the military bases around the world....forces other countries to pay for military protection....stops funding Planned Parenthood...turns the IRS and the Federal Reserve upside down....has protests that turn into riots from the anti-Trump movement...gets no support from Washington Democrats....creates an even bigger divide in the people that live in America, and an even bigger divide in the news media and in the objectivity of reporting....has Michael Moore's new movement go after incumbent Democratic lawmakers who end up supporting Trump in Washington....drastically improves, or drastically worsens America, politically, socially, and/or economically.... .....I would imagine at least one writer and indie filmmaker will make a movie based on some of that.....don't you? Art does imitate life, after all. RIP LEONARD COHEN (September 21, 1934 - November 10, 2016)
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Bill, perhaps the FBI and IRS will change that story by bringing on fraud and tax evasion charges. ;) Just to agree with and add to CJ's point, I've never felt so disheartened. Women and minorities, inside and outside the industry, will need much more support.
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Perhaps the best thing to do is keep fighting the good fight, whatever the challenges may be. :)
An interesting question, eh? I'm glad I asked it. You'll brought up a couple of points that I hadn't thought of – thanx. One thing I've noticed is that your crystal ball is just as hazy as mine. What will be, will be and we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. In the mean-time, I'm solidly in Richard Gustason's camp.
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@Bill... working on that movie, have it set in 1949 with a prognositcative theme. RIP Leonard Cohen, indeed.
According to the Center for Responsive Politics, entertainment sources contributed $22 million to her campaign and to pro-Clinton super-PACs through Oct. 19, compared with less than $290,000 for Donald Trump.
Beth - The Trump University issue certainly could be added to that list. He won't be the first "Get Rich In Real Estate" figure to be sued ("Flip This House" personality Alberto Montelongo was sued recently), and he probably won't be the last. Al - no surprise there. Hollywood is heavily pro-Dem and has been for quite some time. Beth and CJ - Why would you feel any more disheartened about women and minorities in the entertainment business under a Trump presidency? What did the executive powers/influences of President's Obama, Bush, and Clinton directly do over the last 24 years for women and minorities in the entertainment industry? Can a female president change that? California's state laws...Democrats in power in California at the state level...and two long-time female Democratic U.S. Senators haven't - can "laws" or political power/influence change that? Based on political history (and the long-time history of Democrats in power in Hollywood)....evidently not - wouldn't you agree? A UCLA report that came out in February of this year concluded that women and minorities actually gained very little and even lost ground both in front of the camera, and behind the camera. Do we get more disheartened at President Obama's last eight years because of that? Do we think the next American President has the influence/power to improve that? Can President-Elect Trump come up with a plan to influence/shake up/move the Entertainment Powers-That-Be in a way that President Obama apparently couldn't influence/shake up/move them? Is it even realistic to assume that a U.S. president has such a "power", or is it naive/idealistic to believe that the Entertainment Powers-That-Be can be affected or influenced to sell what they sell/employ who they employ/pay who they pay what they pay unless they feel it's good business....whatever "good" means to them behind closed doors, and regardless of race, sex, color? Philip - thanks for acknowledging the loss of Leonard Cohen. He sure was a great one. Regardless of one's political persuasions/affiliations....maybe we can all agree on one thing......CUBS WIN! CUBS WIN! CUBS WIN! RIP LEONARD COHEN (September 21, 1934 - November 10, 2016)
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The head of his campaign was a woman.
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Yeh and the cubs win All cool.
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If the Raiders win the Super Bowl look for the second coming.
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Huh? Because of who that man is and what he represents. The gender of his campaign manager has no bearing on either, nor does it absolve his actions and statements. But, I will stop there. Again, I certainly do not see any of this as a benefit to the film industry. I will refrain from further comment. Thanks all.
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53 percent of white women voted for DT
This is certainly stimulating.
Conversely, I don't see him a detriment to the film industry either.
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...Non-college degree, Al Hibbert. Rural more so than urban areas too. Sorry, you may not be, but if you are lumping me into some group, please don't. It doesn't justify anything. Perhaps look closer at those demographics.
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As a foreign person, I have no right to comment as I respect the American people among which I have a lot of friends. As a foreign screenwriter though?... Well, depending on what happens politically in the weeks and months to come, it could become harder for writers like myself to enter the country (USA) and thereby work in the industry and collaborate with American filmmakers and producers. I hope that is not the case, of course.
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Zlatan – You have every right in the world to comment. As of right now, you certainly can write and produce/direct films here in the US but I cannot write/produce/direct films in Europe, Canada or several other nations (don't know about Sweden – I'm half Swedish.) I had to give my script to a French Producer so that he could make it there. There is an inequity already (I don't care.) Sarah; Very well spoke, you renew my confidence in your generation. Thanx.
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Sarah - you probably have already seen videos by amateur cinematographers that have been originally appearing on Facebook and YouTube and that document the crimes being committed in places like Chicago, where a man was stomped by a group of sociopaths who were chanting "Don't Vote Trump!"; in Portland, where a larger group of sociopaths apparently think it's okay to damage businesses and cars; and in Oakland, where another group of sociopaths damaged properties and assaulted police. Much more video will sprout on Internet sites, and especially as Inauguration Day approaches, I am sure. I am also sure that I won't be off by a huge margin when I say that things will get much uglier and uglier in these short videos. It's an interesting and troubling phenomenon - documenting one's crimes and the crimes of others for all of the world to see. People in relatively more peaceful and civilized countries must watch some of this stuff and think "wow...is this what America is really like?"
Doug - Thank you, I appreciate that as well as understand your point which is absolutely correct. People in the U.S, I have been honored to get in touch with, have never asked me about anything regarding my personal beliefs in regards to politics, religion, heritage, or any other nonsense certain people hold important but who I am as a person and what I can bring to the table as far as our creative work of screenwriting/filmmaking goes. And that, Doug, is truly a breath of fresh air I truly hope does not change with change in U.S administration. As you said, and it is correct, Europe is more closed as a film market and industry than Hollywood will ever be. I mean, let´s be honest here, there is a lot of people from all over the world working in the U.S film industry but not very much exchange the other way around. There are different reasons for that, I think. The biggest reason being that even the film industry over here is under siege by political propaganda interests. And as Swedish citizen who is not born in this country I can tell you that unless you make a "certain type" of movies you won´t get any help or find a way into the industry here in Sweden and many other countries around Europe. To me, America has always been a beacon of hope, in many ways, because of its history and diversity and values. I would hate to see it lose that sense of leadership not only in this industry but also generally speaking by closing itself down.
I find it amusing that protesters claiming that Trump is anti-environment, protested by setting fire to anything and everything they could lay their hands on, including a number of plastic newspaper stands.
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Beth, I hear what your saying about out of control conversations that can erupt into unpleasant experiences while singing around the camp fire during the waning days of summer. but what caught my eyes were the sound of How you presented it, " don't want any discussion of personal politics" and "RB" will agree with me and that's it, in which I scoff out loud and mock your thinking (respectfully :( Needless to say, this thing of ours making and producing creative work is not meant for the faint of heart or wanna beez, that gets insulted or insulting others outside of the discussion of the topic, creative work requires insults, rejections and sometimes fist fights and calling out the other person mother for what she really is for having such a child she spawn. Personal Politics is always Personal You can't make porn without explicit content or nudity. You can't make movies with content restrictions. Politics is the way we live life and if we can't express it through politics, then its Tyranny then its not a discussion of ideas but of fear. There's nothing to learn from fear other than don't do it... Personal Politics is your "IN or Out" of the Game of Life. - Beth I understand why you may not like George Carlin because he presents life for what it is...
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@JD Hartman - I totally agree with you, but the nature of the investment group or individuals have to reap their personal benefits. Bring all the jobs back to the U.S. Hate going to the Air port having TSA Agents go through the luggage. I prefer if necessary use a blue screen for certain scenes. But bringing these jobs back requires politicians "STOP HARPING" on the 1% not paying their fare share of Taxes. when they actually are paying more than the fare share. Without Tax Breaks and long term Incentives, we'll have to stand in front MCDONALDS WINDOW watching them eating their Apple Pie, while standing in the Wind and the Rain looking for that coupon ...
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Henry, perhaps read the Stage 32 Community Code of Conduct found within the site's Terms of Use. You are misinterpreting me. There's no need to insult and mock me, or any of our members—hence my preemptive peace keeping efforts especially around such a divisive, often heated subject. As a Lounge moderator, I am following direction from Stage 32 management—RB and the team.
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Angst is a driving force for creativity and art. I foresee a rebellious future for comedy and satire. Dormant voices, who were content with the Obama years, will now challenge authority. This election may bring a tidal wave of dissent in music, film, books, and art. It may be the shot of adrenaline needed to energize indie filmmaking.
Mr. Trump has too much on his plate already. I will not let him or anybody else stand in my way. And that the bottom line.
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Happy Sunday! It s a beautiful sunny day in NYC. My brother's wife is going to another anti-Trump march today. But i will be the voice of reason (Oh, God!). Career-wise, if you havent done anything in the past 8 years under Obama, what makes you think your writing will be better or worse in the Trump era? Great Writers find an audience regardless of political agendas- Anne Frank wrote in an attic. One of my mentors, Budd Schulberg, he wrote under house arrest (And his dad created Hollywood). Entertainment - Hollywood & Indie- will be fine. Master the craft of storytelling. No one will care if you cant tell an entertaining story.
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This is an interesting conversation. I was wondering the same thing myself, as a screenwriter and filmmaker I'm wondering if I should just kill all of my projects now and wait for the next 4-8 years to be over. What I'm worried about, is if the economy tanks and no one has any money to invest, what will the indie film makers do? The ones who get their primary financing through crowdfunding? Granted I haven't even started crowdfunding yet, but it concerns me a lot. Maybe I need to start now before January. I'm also a woman, and now that the glass ceiling has been 'repaired', I feel like nothing I do will ever be recognized. Needless to say I"m extremely worried about this whole thing. -G.R.B.
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His tax policies could affect the production of independent films. Without tax credits, indie filmmakers, not just screenwriters, will face a funding shortfall. Between armed Trump supporters breaking up protests to liberal PC hawks deriding films that don't support their agenda, freedom of speech is at risk right now. As screenwriters, the best we can do is avoid the comfortable complacency of self-censorship. To a point Dan MaxXx made earlier, self-producing has never been easier. I've written and directed two shorts with very little cash, if any, while working my day jobs. Talent is a Craigslist post away.
我明白嘞, 祝你好運! RIP, GWEN IFILL (September 29, 1955 - November 14, 2016)
i knew I should have learned Chinese instead of Spanish! Ay caramba!
Google translate is your friend. ^_^ -G.R.B.
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Sorry, I'm more concerned about his latest threats on the First Amendment (today's news). That and sudden complacency about ALL the horrible things that he has said and done and threatened, and the lack of actual facts. Don't be complacent. Don't be indifferent. Don't be insular and think this election won't affect you. It will. This isn't normal, people. It just isn't. His team is taking steps to distance and limit the press. If the President-Elect is so petty and picks fights with news outlets and wants to silence journalists, what's next? We should be concerned about farrrrrrrr more than just financing. The First Amendment and its proponents are in for a very rough ride. :( ...Oh, if you're looking for some cathartic laughter about the election, perhaps watch the latest episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. You can find it easily on YouTube. In it he commemorates 2016 with a video compilation that closes out this season and reveals just how sh*tty this year truly was. F-bombs galore. Hey, it made me burst into laughter. Something I haven't been able to do for almost a week now, that and sleep. —G.R.B., I understand how you are feeling. We'll just have to work that much harder. Hang in there. ;)
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No, you're right Beth, this isn't normal at all and I fear for the news outlets out there that aren't Fox News. I don't like this one bit and to be honest I kind of want to get out of this country for the next four years. Not that I have the means to realistically do that right now but God is it tempting. I need to look at last week with John Oliver. Sounds amusing. -G.R.B.
I find it quite astonishing that people are protesting against Trump in the way that they are. It seems those same people are actually protesting about democracy. He won the vote - fair and square and by a considerably higher margin than anyone could have expected. Maybe if the 46% (I believe it may be higher - something like 49.6%) of Americans who didn't bother to vote had voted, you might have had the lesser of two evils. Either way, what's done is done and you - like the "remainers" here in the UK - need to suck it up and move on. Sour grapes and sore losers are never pleasant things to experience.
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This is so much more than a case of sour grapes. His presidency is the opposite of what our country stands for. We're scared over here. That is why people are protesting like they are. Uneducated, poor white males came out in droves to vote for him because they think he's gonna section off parts of his wealth for them, and what they don't realize is they just got conned. Everyone did. -G.R.B.
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BTW, Beth, thanks for that John Oliver thing. That made me feel better. At least for now. -G.R.B.
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@Beth Fox Heisinger "Let's please leave personal politics out of the forums." Practice what you preach or turn in your moderator badge.
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Thanks JD.
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I hardly think Beth's post constituted personal politics, she was bringing up some valid points. Just my opinion.
@G.R. The discussion is about Trump's impact on the independent film industry, specifically screenwriters. Beth's post had nothing to do with the film business, let alone indie movie-making, aside from a reference to the First Amendment, which covers news outlets, books and graphic novels. I'd be more than happy, in fact delighted, to discuss Trump in general in the Anything Goes forum, but that's not the topic of this thread or the purpose of the Screenwriting Lounge.
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How is the threat against the First Amendment personal politics? That is relevant to concerns about the industry. That does affect everyone -- freedom of speech and freedom of creative expression. But no worries, my only intention was to add comment to what others have also mentioned. Sorry, I'll refrain.
Lastly, just in the spirit of sharing information, perhaps look at the latest reports of the high number of hate crimes against minorities and communities. We've got problems coming from all sides. And, I too would like to move this to Anything Goes, but Doug has tied it to Screenwriting. So if Doug and everyone agrees I'm happy to move this thread.
Again, this is an entertaining thread...
Trump impacted my latest script in that his victory has changed the tone of future politics and thus I have to change the tone of my political drama.
In fairness to both political sides.....hah-hah...fairness...politics......I'll re-phrase that....in fairness to the posters here who support either side.....here are the two films I'd like to see.... 1. A film about how a national political organization can totally betray one of its candidates in the primary, and lie about it until an email hack in their servers exposes them for what they really are....and then go on to totally blow a national election where the voting deck and media support was clearly stacked in its favor...and..... 2. A film about how an underdog primary candidate can call his opponents every libelous name in the book.....go on to win the primary and general election....and then go on to complain about libel laws. I surely picked the wrong year to give up blindly supporting a political party! Heh-heh.
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Wow. Wasn't the question Trumps impact on what we do? I think what was said about Chinese money buying US media companies and influencing product is quite relevant and Trump is the only one that had a problem with foreign countries dictating US product and procedure and said game on. I'm happy.
You know guys. This is The New "Afternoons at The Algonquin". I LOVE it!!!!!!
Talece gets the "Best Literary Reference, Non Micro-Aggressive Category" Award. Free celery and popovers for evvvvvvvery-body!
Just as I felt like the pip squeak over here. Thank you. Laughing. Yay. U guys make me better!!!! Ah.
This election you speak of, was this recent? I must have missed it.
Beth, It was not meant to Mock, Your overly sensitive , it was laced with humor, but you failed to see the Humor..
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The Trump-man is not the issue here. This is about unchecked aggression. All the Doug ever wanted was his thread back.
Don't believe a word Henry said about semi-boneless ham. Everybody knows "semi-boneless" refers to the fact that only the leg bone is remaining. Henry knows that, too. He's lying like he always does. Little Henry is lying through his teeth! Lying Henry! Little Henry! Lying, Little Henry!
Semi-boneless?? There's a mamma joke in there somewhere. I appreciate him referencing Carlin tho. George was the king.
Man....George Carlin would have had a field day with this last election cycle. From the candidates....to the media....to the pollsters....to the voters.....to the fact that so many Americans can't even name their own U.S. Senators.
LOL @ Bill. Yeah George would have had a time with this. (My Mom was a big fan, LOL. ) I'm wishing David Letterman had still been on the air. -G.R.B.
@ Bill, wait, you mean every state has its own Senators?
Many documentaries are filmed outside of the studio system. If the federal government cuts funding to non-profits, indie filmmakers will receive fewer grants, which means less documentaries, especially ones focusing on topics the Republicans disagree with. @Beth: I never saw Doug give permission to move the thread. Did you hijack a poster's thread then move it to another forum so your posts weren't off-topic?
Hi Doug, You certainly know how to throw a cat among the pigeons! I have not read all the responses. However, I do know the world is a very different place now Trump is (or will be) President. Some responders have referred to China. Yes, China has taken over much of the world because our politicians [wherever you may be] have benefited from these deals and sold their nation to the detriment of its inhabitants. Not sure where this will take any of us [I am from Australia] and I tried to prevent my country being China-reliant by not proceeding with a 15 yr multi-billion dollar joint-venture contract in 1986. I foresaw the devastation on jobs, social impact and prosperity my contract alone would have. But others took up the baton and so they did in America. Yes, Trump will impact on the indie script market as with all filmmakers and financiers. Although I want my scripts made into film, I have so far avoided Chinese funding for the reasons given. This is not personal politics, it is a decision of how you wish the world's future to be. I am unsure how many believe in God and perhaps this has taken the thread in another direction but I believe. I am deeply grateful and honored to have met and dealt with the government officials in China involved in my contract who were so gracious. Especially the person who warned me about being "too pink"! He would have passed on. And to the Beijing University Professor who gave me a Chinese name. But my nation needed to come first.
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Oooooh. This is the best thread I've ever seen. Yeh, I just think when someone asks you to rewrite a script to be sensitive to state politics, anyone's state politics, it's a slippery slope. I don't believe in proselytizing in film. Documentaries are one thing, feature is another. I just can't get past that center line of we as actors, writers, directors, show a window into a "world", put a magnifying glass on it but we don't tweak it for agenda only for drama. There is something else, and then I am truly going to duck and hide, but I would like to throw it out there. The night of the election I was watching "the Map". And while they were talking votes, I was seeing theater ticket sales. (Especially because the issue of late has been theaters in the US are sitting empty and China and foreign markets are the gig. But what I saw was, except for a thin blue line along the coasts, this country that loves going to the movies, that created the entire dynamic of "going to the movies", is who is NOT going to the movies. The movies that are getting green lighted in those thin blue line areas. The parts of the US that traditionally are "film" savvy, but they don't buy tickets and popcorn. And it is our industry that is too cool to be schooled by mainstream America. Date Night in Kansas is cool. They are not dumb. They just don't want to be programmed. Never underestimate your audience. If we have lost US audiences, there is a reason why. The marketplace will always have your answer. I will go be quiet now. Thank you for letting me share. And thank you @Doug for starting this. Very astute, darlin'! :)
WTF? How did this post go from Trump to Indie writers (Broke Writers) to bashing China? Cmon, folks, get f**king real. The big Hollywood players have already cashed Chinese money from 3-4 years ago. If people really want to dig inside Hollywood gatekeepers, there are plenty of dead bodies and the founders were/are white & Jewish men. That is Hollywood. Every diverse group is playing catch-up to an unequal playing field. Get a job in the Industry first. That should be everyone's goal, indie or Hollywood mainstream. Then start doing change from the inside. Basically, be HYDRA. Play the game and then stick em from inside.
Celery anyone?
@Talece: Anything besides spam.
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Thank you Talece for your tampering comments.
@Dan, don't hide behind a sketch. Show us your face. Then, tone down your adjectives.
PP You can follow me on twitter @ danchiu4 :)
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Trump speaks the truth and shames the devil. Yet screenwriters always have anyway. (Don't think anything new Unless he brings in policies that affect art schools).
@Debbie Croysdale: Public elementary and high schools receive government aid. Most college students finance their tuition with federal loans. With conservative elements calling for cuts to the department of education, that could impact art schools quite a bit. As for Trump speaking the truth...the fact checkers disagree.
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Liberal fact checkers?
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I once went to get my body fat measured. The dude over exaggerated my measurements. He we a liberal fat checker.
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I once argued with a chubby grocery store cashier. He couldn't think outside the box. Everything was very straight forward with him. He was a literal fat checker.
@Dan. Great shot. Nice to see you.
@Travis. Although I am known to communicate with animals, none of these pretend to be human. If you have something to say - say it like a man!... Take responsibility for it. Show us YOUR face.
I have entirely no idea what I've done to upset anyone.
Apologies Travis. Didn't mean to offend. Just good to see who you're talking to.
PP That's not me in the photo. That is James Wong Howe, a pioneer cinematographer in the golden age of Hollywood-- the worst time for a person of Color in Show Biz
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Okay, so political views aside we'll boil our opinion of this question down purely to the OT's question (and also the most midfield response we can muster, since our political views are of no value to the discussion). Trump being president should not impact your ability to write a good screenplay. Whether you are for or against the man, the man is not in your head. He's not forcing you to write one way or the other and is not going to make you forget screenplay formatting just because he's the new president-elect. If anything, regardless of your views it can be a source of inspiration (whether it be about an underdog winning the election, satire, policies, anything really) Trump will also not stop you from pitching your project to whichever production company you want to pitch to. There will be some that might say it "doesn't fit the current profile of the production company"...then move on to the next. If your script and pitch is good, you can get it made. If you keep getting a no, the first place to look would be the script and pitch, not the president elect. Trump is also not alone in the government. Before he passes anything that would impact an amendment (such as the mentioned 1st), a lot of waters will have to be crossed and we doubt it would happen before his term is up (if at all) Trump can however change corporate sponsorship (either for better or worse). While we've followed the elections like a hawk, we have to say there hasn't exactly been that many (any?) discussions on tax breaks or incentives for corporations if they decide to support the creative industry (the tax breaks and incentives discussed weren't aimed towards that). He also said he will change the entire taxation system but how that will work out, we will all have to wait and see. We don't believe it would have a major effect on small production companies because most of Trump's policies would impact larger corporations the way they are currently set up. With his plans to overthrow the Transatlantic Trade Pact, having co-production companies overseas might become more expensive. But truth be told, if the pact gets overturned, there really isn't anything in place to replace it. Trump stated that he will discuss that with each country independently so that's something we won't know until agreements have been signed. People from outside the US working inside the US was already pretty strictly regulated, also under creative working visa so we don't believe much will change for creatives. If you do it without the required paperwork, it's illegal whether Trump is president or not. As for major investors and film studios, we think the market definitely got shaken up when he was elected. As it stands currently, a lot of international investors are worried and anxious because his international business policies aren't that well known. He has spoken about his relationship to the EU and NATO in a pretty defiant way prior to his election. His focus was mainly on the first 100 days after his election. As with Brexit, there's no real telling on how the market will react. Things will die down, emotions will normalize and then it will mostly be business as usual until more is known. So, after this entire unbiased essay, in short: You as a screenwriter: it won't Your pitching process: it won't Your pitch being accepted: not more than right now Corporate sponsors: depends on the tax breaks and incentives...and your personal pitch International co-productions: depends on future policy Markets and studios: depend future policy That being said, it was very difficult to be unbiased since we do have a rather outspoken political view and opinion.
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Patricia – I love that line and yes, turning the cat loose among the pigeons on public square is one of my favorite pass-times and I often play the devil's advocate just for lack of a good provocative hobby. It teaches me a lot about the players that I use when developing story characters. Evelien and Dorien, such a breath of logic and common sense is appreciated every now-n-again – it keeps my faith and hope alive.
Great and well said. And Thanks again Doug for kicking this off. Very enlightening. :) T