I'm new to Stage 32. I've sent scripts in a couple of times in late December and now in January. So I do not know how quickly I might here back that I have made the cut or not. My question is this: If my submission does not meet the procedures, ie, I forgot to do something, will I be told so I can do it right in the future. I am 76 so do not always understand some of this computer stuff.
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From experience, no. You'll just get an email saying if your script was a finalist or not. It's pretty simple though. As long as your script looks like a script, you should be good.
Some of the rules seem a little loosey-goosey. One states you have to be "an active Writers' Room member to be considered", but I did some analysis and, out of the 25 writers who have been finalists 4 or more times, only 5 had ever posted in the Writer’s Room VIP Lounge. Only nine had ever posted on Stage 32 at all. So, I'm not too sure what active really means in this context.
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Rodney Merten as long as you're uploading your script and putting your TITLE and LOGLINE in there, you should be good to go! There's no fancy or tricky rules, outside of just making sure your script is in the genre folks are looking for. If you submit a horror movie to a producer looking for rom coms, they will probably not be interested. Hearing back typically takes 1-3 months.