I love my country, I really enjoy where I live, working, living and raising a family where I grew up is a dream for me. The movie and TV business often give the impression that you have to move to LA if you want to get serious work as a writer. I often wonder why that is. In a day and age where we have the internet, meetings can be had virtually, even meeting over a smart phone makes you accessible almost always.
Why can't a writer make a serious living from writing, living in South America, Africa, the Caribbean, Indonesia, etc. Why do they have to move to LA? Or, are times changing? Are big film studios more open to working with remote writers?
Did some Google digging and found this article on Stage32 from 5 years ago on the same topic. "Is there such a thing as remote script writers?" https://www.stage32.com/lounge/screenwriting/Is-There-Such-A-Thing-As-Remote-Screenwriters
I found the responses very interesting. Most saying by not being in LA you miss a lot of networking opportunities, one person going as far as to say "Out of sight out of mind. Other writer's agents are whispering in ears directly" to contrast that, a lady from New York said she never had to leave New York to write for TV and she wrote for shows in Atlanta, Oklahoma etc. Another person said he if you write for TV or a network or you are work for hire you have to be in the writing room all day and it's neither glamour nor pays well but if you are a spec script writer you can be any where on the internet.
Does this mean it depends? I prefer spec writing to be honest. Is there a career for spec writers? Is that a think? Maybe I am just rambling thoughts, but I am hoping others here can relate to wanting earn as a writer without moving to LA. Let me know your thoughts on this. Am I dreaming?
Well, you may be dreaming, but if so, I am right there dreaming with you.
I do think the industry is diversifying rapidly and that there is increasing demand, especially in the area of non-blockbuster productions.
Greece, where I live, introduced a hefty rebate a few years ago, and already the landscape here has changed, with more to come.
If your sole ambition is either to get staffed on a TV show or write the next Top Gun, it probably behooves you to relocate to LA or even Atlanta. But I think there are more and more opportunities for those of us scattered in other locations.
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Kevin Jackson I love this post. I'm rooting for you, sir!
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I was hired to write a script for a streaming platform in the USA, through an Argentinian production company, with a co-writer living between Spain and NY. In today's world you can definitely work from wherever you want. I don't know how it is if you want to participate in the Get Rich Fast industry of Hollywood, but you can definitely make a living.
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Remote work is quite possible (have few of my own examples) however it usually goes as freelance does...meaning no steady income...u wanna get with the grid, gotta be places (film) things are happening....not necessarily Hollywood or LA, but movies definitely do get made there...a lot...
I know people making a living as a screenwriters here in Skopje, but almost all are hooked with TV (read boring) stuff...movie frequency is quite low...
Thanks for the words of support everyone, it is great to see there are people out there experiencing success as writers outside of the US. It gives me hope. Christiane Lange that is very interesting about the effect rebates have had on Argentina. I should look that up.
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If you have the desire, the hustle, and produce good work, you can work anywhere in the world.
Kevin, you're absolutely NOT dreaming at all!
CJ Walley's gotten scripts of his produced right here in the US...and he lives and writes in the UK.
Thanks so very much for posting...and here's wishing you all the VERY BEST!