Screenwriting : Screenwriter Advice by Ezekiel Walker

Ezekiel Walker

Screenwriter Advice

Hello Everyone,

My name is Ezekiel Walker, I've been a screenwriter since 2019 and mainly submitted my scripts to film festivals, won and/or placed in over twenty feature/pilot awards festivals entered. I used a lot of feedback to correct and sharpen my skills over the last two years and have been able to continue to place and win in order to build my confidence and resumé.

What tangible steps exist for making the transition from merely writing scripts to actually writing professionally for a TV show or production/film company?

Angela VanZandt Bumpass

Do everything offered on Stage 32.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Lots of tangible steps and no two are the same. Are you writing pilots or features or both?

Doug Nelson

You're not all that far from Atlanta or NY. Get your butt on set and start meeting folk in the industry.

Ezekiel Walker

Thanks a lot Barry, I appreciate that advice.

Donnalyn Vojta

Hey, Ezekiel. Congratulations on getting your scripts to winning and placing shape! That's fantastic. Those laurels can really make a difference when you're looking for representation, and representation is what you need if you have any chance of getting a writing job. And don't get frustrated if you don't get a job in a TV writers' room. Usually, they hire only in-house writers who came in at the ground level, so you may have to work as a receptionist for a while in a good company. Best of luck!!

Martin Reese

Seems to me Ezekiel Walker that you have a fine resume. There a number of webinars available on this very platform that speak to exactly what you're looking for.

Monica Mansy

Hi, Ezekiel Walker congrats on all your accomplishments thus far! There is a ton of stuff on Stage 32 that can help move you along. Check out the "Script Services" tab. There are options to receive development and script services from exec's at Universal, MGM, Mandalay Pictures, HBOMax and many others. For who pairs best to your script, please email Jason Mirch (, the Director of Script Services. Jason's also a great person for mentoring. Pro-tip, join the Writers' Room! We have exec's once a month where we have the opportunity to pitch live, hold pitch tank practice, script coverages and so much more. It's a great place to learn about the business and craft and to connect with other creatives. To try out the Writers' Room for a free month, please email Jason Mirch!

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