Just wondering if Stage 32 has or knows of a table read service. I have used a small theater group a couple times, in LA and one in NYC. It was incredibly useful for dialogue developement. Sadly, both venues did not survive the covid era. Hopefully there is another resource for a table read. I just haven't found an affordable one.
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I use Wildsound for mine, the price is fairly reasonable compared to what I've found and I'm quite happy with them.
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I don't think Stage 32 has a table read service, Robert Franklin Godwin III, but here's a blog about a member setting up a table read for his script using talent through Stage 32: www.stage32.com/blog/stage-32-community-brings-project-to-life-over-zoom...
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Maurice Vaughan many thanks. Will check it out.
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You're welcome, Robert Franklin Godwin III. Hope the table read goes great! I've been thinking about putting one together. It'd be my first full table read. I was part of a mini table read a while back where everyone had a few pages read. I saw problems with my pages I didn't even realize were there.
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Maurice Vaughan I found that the actors reading of the parts revealed issues with the dialogue. I listened to their insights. Changed the simplest things to make the points cleaer and some parts just easier speak.