Today's Tweet: Woke to an producer email requesting a script read from a weekend pitch
Pitched twice, same project, same pitch
One requested the script with high marks
The other passed due to too many ?? about what drove the series
I'll take those odds
Sending script now...
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Congratulations again, Kim Hornsby! Hope the producer scoops up your script!
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Congratulations and good luck.
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All the best Kim.
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Kim Hornsby - I am so inspired by this. There are so many highs and lows, so this is a perfect example of "stay neutral" - for every "no" there is a "yes" and the exec who requested your script told us how excited she is to read it, so, this is a lesson to keep going and don't let the passes get you down. You WILL find your champion!
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quite a wonderful wake up!
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Good Luck
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Kim, that's fantastic news...and here's wishing you more and more success!
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Love this post Kim Hornsby! Take it all as it comes and keep betting on yourself!
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Congratulations and good luck!
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sounds like a movie in itself
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That's great Kim!