Everybody seems to pout that we never really see anything truly original anymore. R/Movies rants that all non-AFI greatest films are terrible. Film fanatics despise the franchise films. Movie-goers rarely find anything worth attending the theater for.
What is the last big movie that felt truly original to you? Why do you love it?
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At their heart there are no original films.
But every year there are good original films. In 2021 I enjoyed PIG.
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After 2000 a few good movies where made, for me the last one was "Unbreakable".
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The Northman gets my vote.
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Lifeforce, a 1985 sci-fi/horror/mystery film starring Steve Railsback and Peter Firth, directed by Tobe Hooper and based on Colin Wilson's novel "The Space Vampires". I like it because it actually gives vampirism a scientific rationale, a real logical reason for them to do what they do, and the story takes place in a world where such creatures can actually exist (the music by Henry Mancini is also a bonus).
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Snowpiercer...prefect allegory to our (declining) society...
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I'm not sure if it qualifies as a big movie but Grand Budapest Hotel (and anything Wes Anderson does in general) feels fresh and original to me.
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Personally, while watching a movie, I do not give a rat's ass about (1) originality, (2) how commercial a movie is, or (3) in general, what strangely has been bombarded a fact that ‘you only seem allowed to judge what movies you like or not, when you made one yourself’; and topping that, the idea that it’s blasphemy to say: "very few good movies were made the last twenty years." Just an opinion folks, yours doesn’t have to be mine and visa versa.
Watching a movie, I just want to be entertained, and if there is time, It would be cool to grasp its deeper meaning.
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"Parasite." The story and characters were well-written, and the "parasite" theme kept showing up throughout the movie (sometimes in a subtle way).
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Joker / Topgun
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I enjoyed the Hunt for Red October and Good Will Hunting.
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Hmmm. The Truffle Hunters. Maybe also Drive My Car.
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That's easy. Memento, Perfume: The Story Of A Murderer, Cloud Atlas, 7500, Orlando. there are a bunch of them. just look to the past.
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My favourite movie of this century is Arrival. Very unique movie from a very creative short-story premise.
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Everything Everywhere all at Once.
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Galaxy Quest. Great how it switch the roles of those portraying Star Trekish characters to actually having to live it :)