Success Stories: JUN'1 A Manager - Thanks to Stage 32 Pitching

Sandi Jerome

A Manager - Thanks to Stage 32 Pitching

After 50+ "Pass" on my pitches -my manager signed me after my pitch of Last Woman on your site. After she took my screenplays to Cannes 2024 in her Lookbook, she had over 20 requests for my scripts and sent them out to directors and producers. I'm so grateful that I would highly recommend Stage 32 to anyone who needs that little push to get their career started. Don't give up - you only need one Request if you're ready. Instead of getting dejected after each pass, I rewrote my pitch and tried, tried, again. I also pitched 5-6 different screenplays.

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations again, Sandi Jerome! Thanks for sharing your experience and the inspiration!

Ashley Renee Smith

Congratulations, Sandi Jerome!! Thats awesome!

Leonardo Ramirez

Very cool Sandi Jerome - congratulations!!

D A Stenard

Way to keep plugging! Very happy for you! I am in the same boat. Waiting for my manager to come along!

John Snell

Way to go, Sandi Jerome, congrats!

Sam Sokolow

How awesome, Sandi Jerome! Such great advice for all community members. Please keep us updated on your creative journey.

Georgette Skolnick

That's fantastic, Sandi!

Liliana Angela Angeleri

Many congrats

Charles Y.N. Newton

Wow! Congratulations!

Trina Jackson

congrats to you.

Phillip McSween

Great advice and congrats!

Amanda Toney

This is great news! Congratulations! Thrilled for you.

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