People write their own scripts and don't know whom to approach and how to approach. They don't get a chance to receive proper feedback on their scripts other than from their close friends. Unless they receive feedback from outsiders or professionals they think that they have written a mind-blowing script. So just wanted everyone here to mingle and share your thoughts on this.
Hi, Uttam Akkineni. Welcome to the community. Here's a blog that'll help you navigate Stage 32 and connect with creatives and industry professionals:
I’m a Stage 32 Lounge Moderator. I wanted to let you know I moved your post from the OTT & Transmedia Lounge to the Screenwriting Lounge since it's about screenwriting/script feedback. Let me know if you have any questions.
"They don't get a chance to receive proper feedback on their scripts other than from their close friends. Unless they receive feedback from outsiders or professionals they think that they have written a mind-blowing script." You're right. Sometimes screenwriters only get feedback from close friends and family who aren't in the industry, so the feedback doesn't help much. On the other hand, getting feedback from other screenwriters and professionals is a great way to find out if their scripts are really mind-blowing or not.
Stage 32 has feedback services I suggest checking out (
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True. But how do we get a genuine feedback from persons in the film industry?
Sure, I will do that and may be I will start with you Drongo Bum . Is that ok if i share a script synopsis for receiving feedback?
You can get genuine feedback by ordering it from professionals and doing script exchanges with other writers here in the Screenwriting Lounge, Uttam Akkineni.
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yes Maurice Vaughan Thank you.
You're welcome, Uttam Akkineni.
Drongo Bum To me, professional script readers are people who have spent years writing scripts so they know things like structure and character arc really well, they've had some kind of success (sold scripts, writing jobs, etc.), and they've given helpful feedback on scripts for a while. There's are a lot of legit working pro writers who charge people to read and critique their writing.
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Uttam Akkineni I can say for certain that family and friends will often be enthusiastic that you wrote a screenplay but most of the time they really don't want to read it. And if they do, they say things like, "I really liked it," or "It was emotional," etc. What they don't/can't give is much usable insights about structure, character development, formatting, pacing, sellability, filmability, appropriateness to the market, etc. I assume your question stems somewhat from this reality.
Script feedback is just one persons "opinion". The only opinion that matters, is a Production company with money. Send your scripts directly to a Producer, with a view to getting the film made. Skip the feedback, go straight to the source. 10 script readers my hate it, and tell you to change 50 things. 1 Producer might love it, and pay you.
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The real problem is on how to approach producer directly.
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You can network with producers here on Stage 32, Uttam Akkineni.
You can also post your scripts on your profile. Producers search profiles on here for projects. Click the gear symbol in the top right-hand corner and select “Edit profile” in the drop-down menu. Scroll down to “Loglines” and click “Add/edit loglines” to the right of “Loglines.” You can also post your scripts on your profile this way: (near the top where it says “Add a Logline”)
And you can search for producers in the Browse Members section ( and search for jobs that producers and other members post on the Job Board ( The Job Board gets updated regularly.
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Uttam, why is submitting to Producers directly a problem? Just do it.
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i covered this on my blog – it worked for me, but of course, mileage will vary – if you're interested, you can read about it on Script Revolution, where it has been republished: