What happens when a newly elected President of the US takes office? Is he given an orientation, if you will? Is he possibly coerced or influenced to tone down his ambitious campaign rhetoric or vision for the country by the 'powers that be'? Is 'Hope and Change' muted somewhat by the fact that the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government don't have the mandate our founding fathers intended? These issues confront newly elected President Michael Liebman: a fictional cross between Obama, Paul Wellstone, but with a financial background more akin to Jon Corzine. He has a vision for how to re-make and fix the dysfunction inside the beltway. However, there's a consortium of powerful folks, who even helped get him elected, that have other conflicting ideas. In the peculiar 6 week period between when he's won the election but before he takes actual office, the President elect is making a thank you speech to his donor base in LA, and raising money for the DNC of course. Under the auspices of a National security issue in Pakistan, POTUS is led to a quick briefing on the 'situation'. However, he quickly discovers the two gentlemen awaiting him, both former NSA operatives now in the private sector, representing the aforementioned 'powers that be', have slightly different ideas. Will Liebman's Presidency be hijacked before he even takes office? These ideas are explored in a highly speculative way in this narrative short entitled, The Early Inauguration. Stylistically, just imagine what a cinematic baby between David Mamet, Oliver Stone, and Stanley Kubrick might look like? Overseen by Noam Chomsky as a technical adviser for good measure.... With some good fortune and help from YOU, this film will be ready in time for the 2016 election & ensuing media circus where we elect out next POTUS.You can read more about us on our website: http://jfafilms.com/films_shorts.html