"Charlotte On The Rebound" is the first segment of our MFA thesis horror anthology feature, 5 Faces of Hell, written and DP'd by Jennifer Cooper and directed by Evan A. Baker. Please enjoy this teaser edited by Jennifer Cooper.
Imdb: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2352407/ Demoreel/Pix/Audio: http://www.800casting.com/profile/100367 Against The Wind: http://www.vimeo.com/7956590
A film noir short starring Marla Simone. A bittersweet story of love lost and renewal.
"Charlotte On The Rebound" is the first segment of our MFA thesis horror anthology feature, 5 Faces of Hell, written and DP'd by Jennifer Cooper and directed by Evan A. Baker. Please enjoy this teaser edited by Jennifer Cooper.