3d cgi showreel | Ivan Phang

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Ivan Phang

3D CGI Showreel

~ BREAKDOWN ~ 00:06 - 00:17 > tracking, animate, light, render, post 00:18 - 00:31 > animate, light, render, post, partial ink effect 00:32 - 00:34 > model, texture, light, animate, render, post (except arrow model & animate) 00:34 - 00:42 > model, texture, light, animate, render, post 00:43 - 00:46 > model, texture, light, animate, render, post (except cell animation) 00:47 - 00:48 > model, texture, light, animate, render, post 00:49 - 00:51 > majority model & texture, light, animate, render, post 00:52 - 00:58 > smoke effects, animate, light, render, post 00:59 - 01:07 > tracking, model lightbulb & wire, texture, light, animate wire, render, post 01:08 - 01:18 > model, texture, light, animate, render, post 01:18 - 01:19 > model, texture, light, animate, render, post, explosion effects (except fence & shrub model, texture, animate) 01:19 - 01:21 > model, texture, light, rig, animate, render, post (character only) 01:22 - 01:24 > model, texture, light, rig, animate, render, post, cloth simulation 01:25 - 01:46 > model, texture, light, rig, animate, render, post 01:47 - 01:51 > majority model & texture, light, animate, render, post 01:52 - 02:00 > cloth simulation & particles, texture, light, render, post BG music: Bereru by "The Headroom Project" (http://magnatune.com/artists/headroom_project)

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