Tarikh Tayangan : 2014 Genre : Aksi,Drama Terbitan : Cahaya Karya Warna Pengarah : CK Wong Pelakon : Raffi Khan, Jefri Jefrizal, Fadzlie Rahim, Sherie Merlis...
We are a family oriented production house and we are in the midst of producing a feature film titled "Waris Saka" . We started shooting this film on the 15th of Dec 2018. Our goal is to reach out to a...
This is an old commercial from late 90's . We shot it in Stockholm. The stunt was coordinated by my friend Kimmo and I was privileged to.... well ....you'll see ... Kimmo's page: http://www.imdb.co...
Tarikh Tayangan : 2014 Genre : Aksi,Drama Terbitan : Cahaya Karya Warna Pengarah : CK Wong Pelakon : Raffi Khan, Jefri Jefrizal, Fadzlie Rahim, Sherie Merlis...