Supervising sound editor - post sound reel | Alex Reeves

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Alex Reeves

Supervising Sound Editor - Post Sound Reel

A collection of my favorite sound design and mix work from over the years. W. Alex Reeves - Supervising Sound Editor and Re-recording Mixer Selections from: "CertMaster: Level Up" (Dir: Lex Halaby, Doomsday Entertainment) "Sam Did It" (Dir: Dom Burgess) "Taco Bell: Taco Tales" (Dir: Jarod Shannon, Madison & Vine) "Bill and Jeannie" (Dir: Alex Cline) "Mobile Strike" (Dir: Corridor Digital) "Star Vs The Forces of Evil" (Dir: Sarah Ullman, Disney XD) "Love, Work, And Other Demons" (Dir: Gorby Shih) Cut Chemist - "Rhythm Method" (Dir: Adam Wheeler) Childish Gambino - "Telegraph Ave" (Dir: Hiro Murai, Doomsday Entertainment) "Will 'The Machine'" (Dir: Kent Lamm) "Skyhook" (Dir: Matt Arnold & Des Dolly, RocketJump Studios) "Tom Clancy's The Division (Dir: Corridor Digital, Ubisoft) (Sound editors: Kevin Senzaki, Eric Marks) "The Automaton" (Dir: W. Alex Reeves, Wire Tree / I'm The Villian Films) (Sound designer: Kevin Senzaki) Childish Gambino - "Sober" (Dir: Hiro Murai, Doomsday Entertainment)

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