Digital Track available at:Website: www.musicbyd4d.comBandcamp: www.d4disgruntled.bandcamp.comFollow Me on:Facebook:
Here is my entry to the Stargirl competition.I began this score by writing an individual theme for Stargirl, S.T.R.I.P.E, and Icicle. For S.T.R.I.P.E I decided to write an old school hero theme an...
Some audiovisual works with original soundtracks by Ricardo Severo: - WORK IN PROGRESS (inside OSESP), directed by Diego de Godoy for Prodigo Films - documentary serie (2018); - DEUS EX MACHINA, dir...
Digital Track available at:Website: www.musicbyd4d.comBandcamp: www.d4disgruntled.bandcamp.comFollow Me on:Facebook: