Why i auditioned 7 times for acting role | bafta-nominated limbo (2020) | vikash bhai | actor advice | Petra Pruitt

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WHY I AUDITIONED 7 TIMES FOR ACTING ROLE | BAFTA-Nominated Limbo (2020) | Vikash Bhai | Actor Advice

LIMBO (2020) actor, Vikash's Bhai, gives so much great advice to upcoming actors – I recommend that you check it out. LIMBO (2020) is an award-winning and BAFTA-nominated indie film by Ben Sharrock that recently gained mainstream distribution after many storming successes at renowned film festivals. Remember Film Forums is about paying it forward & educating upcomers via the experiences of those doing something big, so if you do get value from this video, I’d like to encourage you to share it too.

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